Chapter one hundred and five

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I sat with the Mandolorian foundling as I droid tended to fitting her with a new cybernetic hand. Other than brief passing g words in her condition we hadn't spoken since the exchange in the speeder. She kept completely quiet as the droid worked on attaching the new hand to the wound it her wrist. I knew from Anakins account it was a painful ordeal to go threw and yet she managed to bite her tongue and merely winged when the wires where attached.

Putting the news on I was was relieved to hear the earlier explosion hadn't led to any further attack and appeared to just be an isolated incident. That meant Anakin and Ahsoka weren't in danger which was a relief. Just as I looked as sighing from that realisation my comlink began to buzz.

"Excuse me a second I have to get this," I spoke as I got up from from the side and headed for the door. The teenager gave a nod to show she u foretold but still said nothing and so I stepped out the room and clicked the button to answer my communicator. "Skywalker here."

Well...I had always wanted to say that.

"Well isn't that a coincidence, same here," I heard the voice of my husband chuckle through the little portable speaker warming my heart immediately. " is my Angel?" He proceeded to ask in a caring voice I adored to hear.

"She's doing just fine, there is as a little dilemma when we went to pick up Satine but I received word a few minutes ago the they made it off world some minutes ago now, it seems-

"Wait wait wait," Anakin interrupted before I could finish so I stopped talking. "You didn't go with them? Then where are you?" He questioned now sounding worried and likely rightly so.

"Anakin relax," I began to reply, trying to think of how I'd explain to him what had happened. Looking to the still open doorway just across from where I stood I wonder d whether I should even tell Anakin what had happened. "...remember I said there was a detour? Well I'm in the doused medical centre dealing with said detour." I replied using few words since I was still conflicted over telling him everything.

"What does that mean? (Y/n) you're not making much sense, did someone hurt you?" He asked sounding scared once more. Chewing at my lip I felt bad for making him worry. As my husband he deserved to know the truth.

"No Anakin I promise you I wasn't hurt, not a scratch," I replied as quickly as possible to try and avoid letting him worry to much. "I'm in the medical centre because the person that attacked was just a young girl, and I sort of cut her hand off..." I explained feeling that pang of guilt once more. Anakin sighed from the other end of the transmission out of some form of relief it seemed.

"Stay where you are...I'll come and help straighten things out." He replied clearly still not wanting to have me alone even after if explained the assassin was a literal kid. Still, on some level I knew better than to try and stop him, Anakin was incredibly stubborn especially when it came to my protection.

" have to finish your investigation, don't worry so much about me, I'll be fine." I replied already knowing what his response would be. Anakin was so predictable when it came to me, it's no wonder Obi wan figured out we were together so soon into our relationship. He was so obvious but it was adorable, I love how much he cared. He was such a sweetheart under all that amour.

"(Y/n) you know I'll never stop worrying: just let me come and help, the investigation can't start yet anyway, not until they put the fires out." Anakin replied sounding as though he were in n the move again. I rolled my eyes at the predictable response but smiled all the same.

"Alright then I won't fight you, I'll see you when I see you." I replied with a hum taking a step over and glancing through the open door. The Mandolorian girl for to her to sit exactly were I'd left her examining her new hand quietly as the medical droid ran some last tests.  I gave a small smile and returned to my communications as I heard a fumbling of keys through the speaker.

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