"I love you"- smut

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AN- There is smut in this chapter and it's the first time i've ever written it so it's probably bad but hope you enjoy:)

You woke up to a slight sliver of sunlight in your face. As you opened your eyes and looked around you realized you weren't in your own bedroom. You suddenly felt the pair of arms wrapped around your waist and your legs tangled up with someone else's. All the sudden memories of last night started to replay in your mind and you couldn't help but smile to yourself. You turned around in his arms and came face to face with the man that you've loved for a long time, Nik. Niklaus Mikaelson. Yes, you've fallen in love with the big bad hybrid everyone talks about. But he's not like that with you. When he's with you, he is gentle, caring, and compassionate. He lets his goofy side come out around you and it's what made you fall in love with him, plus he's pretty good looking. You wanted to tell him that you loved him but you couldn't because you feared that he wouldn't feel the same way and you would lose him. You can't lose him. You reach up and rest one of your hands on his face and the other on his chest. Suddenly you're pulled out of your head when you hear a lazy grumble of words.

"Staring is rude you know, love"

You were shocked at how attractive his morning voice sounds. Suddenly he opens one eye and looks at you confused.

"Everything okay, Y/N?"

"Yeah, Yeah, everything is fine. In fact everything is perfect"

He smirks at you before pulling you closer to him by tightening his arms around your waist.

"Perfect, huh?"

You slap a hand on his chest.

"Shut up"

He lets out a small chuckle before saying,

"No, your right. Everything is perfect as long as your in my arms and I can hold you close to my chest"

You began to feel the heat rise on your cheeks and attempted to bury your head into his chest but he lifted your head with his hand so you were looking straight into his eyes and then he leaned down kissing you softly. You will never grow tired of the feeling of his soft lips onto your own. He pulls away and rests his forehead on yours, smiling. He's looking at you with a different look, one that you've never seen him give anyone.

"What?" You say giggling slightly

"Nothing, definitely nothing. I'm just looking at the girl I love in my arms, nothing can top this"

You're shocked. He just said he loved you for the first time. You waited to long to answer because he started to get nervous.

"I mean like, the girl I like, I don't even know why I said love I just-"

You grabbed his face and kissed him. A short kiss, one you wish was longer, but you knew it was time to tell him. However you just had to tease him about it first. Sending him a smirk you said

"Mr.Mikaelson, did you just say you love me? Little old me?"

"No I said like, remember?"

"Hmmm, I'm pretty sure I heard you say  'the girl you love'?"

"No I said like, you must have difficulty hearing in the morning or someth-"

"I love you too, Nik"

Klaus smiled, a real genuine smile. He pulled you in for a kiss and rolled you over so you were on your back and he was hovering over you. He leaned down to your ear and started whispering

"Don't tease me like that again. You must be punished for your actions."

You had hesitated for a minute trying to recover from the shiver that was sent down your back as you could feel his hot breath running down your neck

"And how will you punish me, Mr.Mikaelson?"

"Like this."

He started to kiss your neck roughly causing a moan and a slight giggle to come out of your throat. He continued his kisses from your ear all the way down to your collarbone, leaving marks, you were sure of it. You grabbed his head and brought it up to your lips. He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance but you denied it. Suddenly he gripped your right boob with his hand and causing you to gasp, giving his tongue access. You felt him smirk into the kiss but didn't care. His hands were now rested on your waist as your own traveled from his back to his hair, pulling gently. He started to kiss down your body, until he got to your belly button, where he stopped and looked up at you with a smirk. He traveled all the way down until his head was in between your legs, his lips kissing both of your inner thighs, and his hand tracing circles right near me. You let out a soft moan and said, stammering

"Nik, Nik, stop teasing. I want you, I need you."

He paused his kissing on your thighs and started to line up his member. Suddenly he thrust into you, causing a loud moan to escape from your throat. You rolled him over, that way you were now on top, straddling him. You started to move up and down slightly as both of you got into a rhythm and started to kiss his neck. He threw his head back in response and let a groan escape his lips. He rolled back over and thrusted in and out of you causing you to feel yourself begin to reach your high.

"Love, your so tight"

"I'm gonna, I'm gonna-"

"I know, me too"

He said panting heavily into your neck. Then it happened. You both ran out your highs and after he plopped down next to you, pulling you to his chest and kissing your head.

"I love you, Y/N"

"I love you too, Nik. I think I might want to get punished more often."

A smirk grew on your face and you kissed his chest lightly.

"I would love to punish you more, Y/N"

AN- So I wrote this imagine a longgggg time ago when I was first getting into writing. I actually wrote it before I wrote any of my other imagines so when I publish this I'm not sure where it's gonna end up in comparison to the others. I'm not sure if it will show it's self as the first like "chapter" or not but if it does hi! I initially wrote this as a first person view so if some of the lines are off that's probably why. Anyways hope you enjoyed my terrible attempt at writing smut:)

Edit- so it did end up showing it's self as the first chapter so hi guys.

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