What is it again?

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TW- Revolves around infertility
Let's just pretend that it would be easy for Klaus to have children for this:)

You were laying in your bed, the one that you shared with your fiancé, soon to be husband. You were looking at the ceiling, tears streaming down both sides of your face. Your hands were on top of your stomach, playing with the engagement ring on your finger. Your wedding was in two weeks and you couldn't stop the questions going through your mind.

What if I can't get pregnant? What if he can't handle the fact that I can't give him what he wants? A kid, a family? What will his siblings say? Yeah there are other ways to start a family but what if he doesn't want it that way? What if he wants the normal way?

You thought of every single possibility that could happen to go wrong. Your tears keep falling as you think of every worst case scenario. What if he leaves me when he finds out?

"Babe, I'm home!"

Klaus yelled from downstairs in the compound. You could hear his footsteps coming up the stairs, so you quickly wiped your tears away and flipped the pillow around so he couldn't see the water stain from your tears. You pretend to sleep so that he couldn't ask questions but he knows you too well. He opened up the door and stood in the doorway for awhile before speaking.

"I know your not sleeping, your heart beat is slightly slower when you do and your breathing changes."

Your eyes fluttered open to be met with his blue ones. He was kneeling down in front of you and he rose his hand to push some of the hair out of your face. His hand stayed planted on your face and his thumb wiped away some of the tears you missed.

"You know what my heart beat sounds like when I sleep? My breathing too?"

"Yes now are you gonna tell me why you're crying or am I gonna have to figure it out myself? What's wrong?"

"I can't tell you."

"Love, you can tell me anything."

"If I tell you, you'll leave me."

He smiled, sitting down next to you as you sat up in your bed.

"I can assure you I won't, now please tell me."

You sighed, looking down at your hands on your lap which were still playing with your engagement ring. Klaus placed his hands over yours causing you to look up and lock eyes with him.

"I'm scared."

His hand falls off of yours as he questions your statement.

"Scared of what? Are you," he hesitates as the worst case scenario runs through his mind, "are you getting cold feet?"

"No god no. I can't imagine my life without you. I want to marry you. It's just that..."

You sighed, tears streaming down your face again.

"It's okay, hey hey look at me."

When you don't comply, he hooks a finger under your chin, guiding your face up to look at him.

"Tell me, it's okay. I wont judge you and I'm sure as hell not leaving you."

"What if I can't get pregnant? What if I can't give Hope a sibling? What if I can't give you what you want?"

Looking at you Klaus sees his future. He sees you and Hope running around and yeah he sees more kids. He wants to have a family with you but he pushes aside his own feelings to comfort you. His thumb is rubbing across your knuckles while his other hand is wiping away your tears.

"Love, I love you. I have always been and will be in love with you. I see my future when I look at you, that's why I'm marrying you. I'm marrying you for you."

He pauses, giving you a quick kiss.

"If we can't get pregnant the normal way, then there are other options we can try. There's that thing called, what is it again? Oh IVF and there's always adoption. We have options sweetheart."


You nod and pull him closer by the back of his neck to give you a hug. The two of you sit there for awhile until you calmed down. When you pulled away, Klaus sent you a devilish smirk.

"You know, we can always start to try right now."

AN- This is basically like the reverse of What if lol. Which is when Klaus doubts being in a relationship with you because he can't give you kids. I could not come up with a title for this so, that's what you got. I might change it idk. Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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