Meeting Hope

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Y/N's POV-
I'm nervous. So incredibly nervous. I'm pacing back and forth in my apartment. My hands are sweaty and my heart is racing. Today is the day that I meet my boyfriend's daughter, Hope. While Nik has spoken a lot about her and I've been begging him for weeks to meet her, now that the day is here I've never felt more nervous. There's a knock on my door and when I open it, there's Nik.

"Is this outfit okay? Or should I change? Also, I made brownies and cookies, unless she can't have that? I could just bring one? And I bought her-"

Nik grabs my hand and comes in the apartment closing the door behind him while I'm rambling.

"Love, stop rambling. Your outfit is more than okay, the brownies and cookies are fine, and you didn't need to buy her anything. She is going to love you."

I look down at my feet and play with his fingers.

"But what if she doesn't? She could hate me and then we would have to end this and I don't want to-"

He takes my head in his hand and makes me look at him.

"Why would we have to end this?"

"Because she's your daughter and if she doesn't like me then I won't force her to have to deal with me. Even if she doesn't like me, I want her to be happy and if me being with you doesn't make her happy, I won't force her into that."

He looks at me with sad eyes and closes the space between us, kissing me. He pulls away and rests his forehead on mine.

"She's gonna love you, i'm sure of it"

You nod and grab the cookies and brownies from the counter and walk to the car.

Outside of the Compound

"Love, calm down. She's gonna love you and your going to be perfectly fine."

"Ok, ok let's go in then. I want to meet her. I want to meet your daughter."

He looks at me and smiles, pulling me into the compound. As we walk in, a wave of more nerves hits you and just try to push them away.

"Dad! Is she here?"

A little girl comes out of one of the rooms and looks straight at you. She waves at you shyly and you wave back.

"Hope, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Hope, my daughter."

"Hi Hope."

She starts to walk over to you and you get even more nervous but when she reaches you, you she grabs your hand and pulls you away from Nik. You look back at Nik and he just shrugs and looks at you with a smirk.

"Y/N, my dad has told me so much about you"

"Oh, has he? He's told me a lot about you too."

"Yeah, he talks about you ALLLLL the time. He says your really pretty, which you are by the way, and he calls you his queen."

At her words you blush slightly. Hope finally stops you in what seems to be her room.

"This is my room. I want to show you all the photos I've drawn of you and my dad. Plus, I figured we could eat the cookies and brownies in here without my dad cause he would eat them all."

You start to laugh and so does Hope.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he ate all of them, Hope."

She started to show you some of her drawings and you guys ate the desserts. About 30 minutes had passed and when you were looking over one of the paintings, Hope broke the silence.

"Hi Dad"

You looked over surprised to see Nik standing in the doorway, leaning on one of the sides. He was smiling at you and Hope.

"Eating all of the deserts without me, are we?"

He started to walk towards the two of you and picked up one of the cookies.

"Well, we wanted to make sure we were able to have some. Hope and I decided that you would've eaten all of them without us."

He put one of his hands on his chest, as if he was hurt.

"I wouldn't have eaten all the deserts, maybe just one or two"

"Dad stop lying. Mom says lying isn't good and we all know you would've eaten them all"

You look up at Nik with a smirk, knowing that Hope had him.

"Alright, your right. I would've eaten them all. Why don't we go eat dinner."

"Ok dad. I'll see you and Y/N downstairs."

She left the room leaving you and Nik alone in her bedroom.

"See, love, she already likes you. If she didn't than she wouldn't have stayed with you alone for half an hour."

"Ok, let's go downstairs and eat dinner."

Dinner was spent laughing with Nik and Hope. Hope told you all the stories that Nik shared with her about you and they told you funny stories about Hope's childhood. You shared some of the funny stories that Nik told you about his childhood. You and Hope teamed up a few times against Nik and let's say he wasn't very happy about that. After dinner Hayley walked in.

"Hope, sweetheart, I know your having fun with Y/N and your dad but it's way past your bedtime."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that it was past Hopes bedtime or I would've left earlier."

"No, love, don't worry about it, I just lost track of time. Hope why don't you go with your mom to bed and I'll take Y/N home."

"No Dad, Mom, I want to stay with Y/N and hear more stories about Dads childhood, and talk about my paintings with her."

You walked over to Hope and kneeled down next to her chair looking right at her.

"Hope, I will come back at some point and we can talk about all the new paintings you'll have painted by then. And we can talk all about the other stories I know about your dad."

She smiled at you and stood up from her chair giving you a huge hug.

"I love you, Y/N. Will you come back over tomorrow? Can she dad? Please?"

You look between Hope, Hayley and Nik.

"Hope, Y/N will be returning to the compound, I promise."

You look at Nik with a smile and then look back to Hope with one as well.

"Goodnight, Hope. It was nice meeting you."

"Goodnight, Y/N, It was nice meeting you too."

Hope left the room with Hayley and you stood up as Nik started to walk over you with a smile on his face.

"I told you she would love you."

"I guess you were right. However, you promise?"

"I promise that you will come back to this compound for years."

He kissed you softly and then took you home. You were content with meeting Hope and you were excited for your future with Nik.

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