The One with the Proposal

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Klaus walked into the compound, where Elijah was waiting for him. He hangs up the phone and starts to walk towards Klaus.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Klaus looks around to see if he was talking to someone else. When he doesn't see anyone he turns back towards his brother.

"I was making a coconut phone with the professor. Now why are you yelling?"

Klaus smirks at Elijah, who doesn't look amused at all.

"Stefan told Y/N that he wants to marry her!"

Klaus's smirk is wiped right off his face as he takes a step closer to his brother.


"Yeah, yeah, I've trying to find you to tell you. And maybe I would've if these damn witches would stop torturing me!"

Klaus looks around frantically as he thinks of what to do.

"Oh my god."

"I know they suck!"

"He's not supposed to ask my girlfriend to marry him, I'm supposed to do that!"

"I know."

Klaus starts to walk back and forth while running his hands through his hair.

"You know what I'm going to do? I'm gonna go over there and kill him. Wanna help me?"

Elijah looks at him with a disappointed face.

"Listen brother, I don't think killing Stefan is the solution. Just go and find Y/N."

"Yeah, you're right."


"Klaus! Why didn't you answer any of your calls?"

"I don't know Elijah, maybe because my girlfriend is missing because her ex boyfriend just proposed to her. My girlfriend who wants nothing more than to be married and have a family. My girlfriend who thinks I don't ever want that because you told me it would work to throw her off of me. And now I might never get to make her dreams come true."

"You are so idiotic."

And just like that, Klaus's heart stops completely.

There you stand, in his favorite dress of yours, with a huge smirk on your face.


"Yeah, I'm leaving."

And he did. And that just left the two of you.

"Ask me."

Klaus eyebrows furrowed, a complete look of confusion on his face.


You took a step closer to him, taking on his hands  in your own.

"Make my dreams come true Mikaelson."

And so he did. Within the next 6 months, your last name changed to Mikaelson.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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