Bora Bora it is then

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"Why did I even waste parts of my life being with a selfish women like you"

Your heart shattered into a million pieces. You froze and the tears that were threatening to fall started streaming down your face. You walked past him but stopped, not looking back at him.

"I love all of you, every single part, and you never even loved a piece of me did you?"

Your voice broke and as you waited for an answer, your heart dropped to the floor. When he didn't say anything, you took his silence as your answer and before waking away you said,

"I'll have Rebekah get my things from your house. You won't have to worry about seeing me ever again."

And with that you walked away to the only place you could think of going, The Grill. You didn't want to face your friends after they told you he was going to break your heart and you especially didn't want to face your brothers. You brothers, Stefan and Damon, had warned you from day one that he was just playing you to get to the two of them and they were correct. Klaus had initially started flirting with you to get to them but overtime he saw you for you, not for some scheme against your brothers, and he fell so madly in love with you. He was so in love that it scared him and instead of telling you about it, he pushed you away. Rebekah arrived at the Grill and instead of asking questions or talking she just engulfed you into a hug. You started to cry into her shoulder and there were no doubts in your mind that people were looking at you, but you didn't care. You stood there for awhile before she pulled you out of the Grill and into her car.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I just- I don't know what went wrong. This morning we were happy and a few hours ago he said he was only with me to piss off my brothers. I don't know what to think."

"Do you want me to tell you the truth?"

"Your gonna tell me anyways, aren't you?"

"Yeah I am. Klaus infatuation with you might have started as a ploy to get to your brothers, but he loves you. I see it in the way he looks at you. But his paranoia is so exceptionally high that he probably believes that if he makes you hate him, it'll be better than losing you."

"But isn't he losing me by making me hate him? Doesn't it hurt him?"

"If he pushes you to hate him, in his mind, it's better than you hating him on your own terms.And he probably believes that it would hurt more for you hate him that way."

You shake your head and look at Rebekah,

"Go, take me to your house."

She sends you a smile before turning on the car and speeding to the Mikaelson Mansion.

"You didn't even bring my stuff, did you? You were planning on having this conversation?"

"Well I couldn't lose my sister because of my brothers idiotic paranoia. Plus you put him in a good mood, none of my siblings have been daggered lately."

You laugh slightly but stop as she pulls into the driveway. Your stomach starts doing backflips and the palms of your hands start to get sweaty. You look back at Rebekah before getting out of the car and slowly walking up to the doors. You let yourself in using the key Klaus gave a few months ago and start to walk to his study. As you get closer and closer, you can hear him breaking things. You open the door and lean on the frame.

"You can't push me away and make me hate you."

He turns around suddenly, shock showing through his facial features.

"Y/N? What are you doing here? You said you'd get Rebekah to pack your things."

You start walking towards him and grab his face in your hands. He tries to turn away but you hold him still making him look you in the eyes. You pull his head down so his forehead rests on your own.

"You can't make me hate you."


"Rebekah told me that your trying to make me hate you, so that I won't do it on my own accord. But even if you are trying to make me hate you, I never could. I could never hate you because I love you to damn much."

"Im sorry I just thought- I thought"

"You thought you could push me away because it would somehow settle your nerves about losing me? Well guess what? I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna stay right here in the arms of the man I love. And I love you. Plus you promised me and trip to Bora Bora and I can't turn that down."

You start to smile as he chuckles at your statement.

"A trip to Bora Bora it is then."

You lean up slightly connecting your lips and move your arms so that they're wrapped around his neck, your fingers going through his hair. His arms move to your waist and pull you tightly to him. His hands suddenly wrap around your thighs, signaling you to jump and you did. You feel your back being pressed against the wall and his lips leave yours, starting to trail kisses down your neck. You moan softly as you feel his hard member along your inner thigh. He speeds you two upstairs and your back is pushed against another wall, this time your standing. He's connects your lips again while playing with the hem of your shirt. Pulling away slightly you take off your shirt and he goes back to kissing your neck. You start to unbutton his shirt and flick it off of him. You start to play with his belt while his hands start to undo your jeans. He speeds you over to the bed but before he has a chance to lay you down, you push him down. You climb on top of him and straddle his waist. Kissing down his neck you finally get his belt off and unbutton his pants. And you can imagine the rest.

AN- I'm still getting used to writing smut so I hope it's ok. I got this idea today from a tiktok actually. It asked if you were writing a story what the saddest line would be and the first line that came to my mind was "I love all of you, every single part, and you never even loved a piece of me did you?". So then I decided to write and imagine around the line and the rest I kinda just went with. Anyways I hope you liked it:)

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