It's been too long- Part 2

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This is part 2 to How Long? which was a request by petrova890

"Elijah I really don't think this is a good idea."

"You said you moved on remember? He needs closure Cassandra and he won't stop looking for you."

You sigh, knowing that you lied about moving on to Elijah. In fact, you hadn't moved on at all. Sure you had been with a couple guys since you left but you couldn't seem to get him out of your mind.

"Is seeing each other really gonna provide him or me any type of closure? Won't it just make things worse? For both of us?"

"I don't think it will. I think it will allow you both to talk things through and finally get some closure."

"I really don't want to see him Elijah. Sure I can sit across the world from him and pretend I'm not still hurt but what's gonna happen when I see him again? When we are face to face with each other?"

"Closure, Cassandra. Closure."

"Your just gonna keep saying that aren't you?"


"Goodbye Elijah."

"I'll see you soon."

"I'll book a flight."


You played with your fingers to attempt and settle the knot twisting in your stomach. Elijah noticed your actions as you just walked up to the outside of the compound.

"Are you sure this gonna help? I could just turn around and get on another plane-"

"No, you're here. You're doing this now."


"Come on Cassandra, in you go."

He pushed you towards the compound and made sure you walked in. And there he was. Standing in the middle of the compound, completely starstruck that you were actually standing in front of him.

"I thought I heard your voice."



"And i'm gonna leave you to it."

Elijah leaves the room, also leaving you and Klaus with awkward silence. The last time you had felt this way with Klaus was the first night you met. You start to play with your fingers again, a nervous habitat you had picked up over the years.

"Your nervous."

You look up at him, your eyebrows knitted together.


"Your fingers. You always play with your fingers when your nervous and you always look down when your doing it."


Another awkward silence falls throughout the room but this time instead of Klaus breaking it, you do.

"Why? Why did you cheat? Was I not good enough for you?"

"You were perfect. Too perfect. Things between us had become so perfect that I was scared. Scared for the other shoe to drop. And I just thought- I just I don't know."

"I was too perfect?"

You scoff, shaking your head and crossing your arms over your chest.

"I was too perfect? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I started to pull away, spend more time out, away from you so that the other shoe didn't drop. I was scared that I was gonna mess everything up. And it just happened. It was an escape."

"God, for years I have been going over every single thing I possibly could have done. For 2 years I have thought over every sentence, every action, every mistake I made. And I was just too perfect?"

"Cassandra I shouldn't have cheated. I know that, I should've gone to you and told you about my insecurities. Instead I tried to run, to escape. And i'm so sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you and i'm sorry that I lost you."

"I'm sorry that you lost me too. I'm sorry that our marriage is over."

A long silence falls between you two but you never break eye contact.

"Is there still hope for us? Can you find it somewhere within you to forgive me and give me another chance?"

"I don't know. What have you been doing for 2 years? Sleeping around? I'm sure you're life has been just fine without me."

"It hasn't. You said I'd be better without you but I can't stop thinking about you. For two years you've been all I've thought about Cassandra."

"You moved on Klaus! You moved on with Cami. You moved on with her while we were still married, remember?"

Your voice gets low and you whisper the last part.

"But I want you! I want you, Cassandra. I don't want Cami or anyone else, I want you."

"You broke me. I packed my things and moved to a different continent to get away from you. You broke any trust I had for you. I don't know if I can trust you again."

"I screwed up. I know I screwed up. But please give me another chance, trust me again. Please."

"I don't know if I'm ready for that. I don't know if I l'm ready to trust you again."

"I'll wait. I will wait for you. I'll wait until my last breath if I have to."

"I forgive you."

He starts to walk closer to you, a smile adorning his features.

"But I can't forget, not yet anyways."

His smile drops and his steps falter.

"So then what?"

"We start as friends. I see if I can trust you again and maybe after that we can rediscover us. But things have to be slow Nik."

"Friends it is then. Can friends who haven't seen each other in 2 years give each other a hug?"

You laugh and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso. You body aches for something more. A kiss on the forehead or cheek, a kiss on your lips as his hands travel your body, but you don't give in. You can't fall back to him that easily.

"I missed you Cassandra."

"I missed you too Niklaus."


You hear Elijah scream from the study making you and Klaus laugh. You honestly don't know if you can ever be romantically involved with Klaus again but your willing to be his friend. Because you really have missed him and you want him in your life.

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