What if

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You were playing with Hope in Klaus' study. Unknown to you, Klaus was leaning on the door frame looking at you with a sad smile. Seeing how you loved to be with Hope and how happy you were with her made him angry and frustrated that he couldn't give you a child of your own. Even though you told him hundreds of times that Hope was like a daughter to you and you love her as a daughter, he knew that deep down you wanted the experience to be pregnant. Elijah walked up next to Klaus and smiled as he watched you play with Hope as well. Elijah looked towards Klaus, furrowing his eyebrows as he saw how upset he was. Klaus knew Elijah was standing there giving him confused glances but he didn't care.


"I can't give her that. I can't give her an experience that I know she yearns for."

Elijah sighed and looked back over to where you were sitting on the ground playing with baby Hope. As you did something funny, earning a giggle from Hope, you started to laugh as well. This caused Klaus to tense and straighten in the doorway. Elijah placed a hand on his brothers shoulder and looked at him.

"Y/N loves kids, we can all see it in the way she acts. But she loves you and she loves Hope. You may not see it brother but she is grateful to you for giving her Hope. Hell she might even love Hope more than you."

Klaus glanced back at his brother before stealing one last glance at you. He put his full attention on Elijah when he said

"And what if she wakes up one day realizing that all of this is to much for her? What if she resents me for taking away her chance at having children? What if she leaves? I can't live without her, Elijah."

"Niklaus you need to stop being paranoid. I assure you brother that, that women won't be going anywhere without you. She won't ever leave you."

You had finally realized that the two brothers were watching you play with Hope. Once you heard a bit of their conversation you got up and picked Hope up in your arms. The pair of brothers hadn't realized you were standing until Hope started making some noises. Hope was pulling on your hair trying to get your attention but you didn't care as you looked at Klaus. Elijah looked between the both of you as he started to walk towards you. He took Hope out of your arms and left the room, leaving you with Klaus. You stood there looking at each other for awhile in silence. Suddenly you decided to break it

"Why would you think like that? Why do you keep thinking I'm gonna leave you?"

"I see how happy being with children makes you and I know you want that experience. It kills me that I can't give it to you."

You look at him confused before you walk over to him taking his hands in yours.

"But you already have"


"You gave me Hope. While I might not be her biological mother, I still think of her as my daughter."

You put your hands on his neck and pushed him forwards so that your foreheads were touching.

"Plus I think i'm way to deep into this to even consider leaving. If I left, I don't believe I would survive it. You've given me a family. I had no one until I met you. Now I have an overprotective brother like Elijah, a sister like Rebekah and Hayley, someone to play pranks with like Kol, and a daughter. I am not leaving you even if the entire world tries to tear us apart."

"I love you Y/N"

"and I you love you, always and forever."

He kissed you softly before pulling away and whispering,

"Always and Forever."

AN- I know this is short but I said I would try to upload everyday and I've been having some troubles writing lately. I have like ideas but when I go to write them I completely blank on what I want them to actually be like. I rewrote this imagine like maybe 3 times already. I saw someone do this with Elijah and decided to do it with Klaus if like he couldn't have anymore children obviously. Anyways hope you enjoy:)

Klaus Mikaelson Imagines Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum