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End of Season 2 spoilers warning

"How could you? How can you do that and pretend you don't care."

You stormed into the compound, pushing Klaus backwards. He barely moved and looked at you with regret and anger in his eyes.

"I did what I had to do to save my daughter. I will always do what's best for her."

You scoffed, rolling your eyes. He had cursed Hayley and all the wolves sworn to protect his daughter to be wolves for months. He had killed Gia, your friend and Elijah's girlfriend in front of him. He had backstabbed all of you.

"We were all protecting Hope! The wolves in the bayou were protecting her. Hayley and Jackson were protecting her. You took all those people away from their families, their Hope. Aiden, Mary, Hayley! You took your daughter's mother away. You killed Gia right here in front of Elijah knowing that it would hurt him. What is wrong with you?"

His body tensed and he stood up straighter.

"All of you got what you deserved! You stuck a dagger in my chest and took me away from my daughter! She isn't yours and she's not Elijah's."

"But she is Hayley's! Yeah she's not mine Klaus, trust me I know. I came to term with that a long time ago remember?"

"You know I didn't-"

"You did," you replied softly, voice barely above a whisper. "She may not be my daughter but I still love her, we all do. We were trying to protect you from yourself."

"By sticking that dagger in my chest? By betraying me!"

"And how is that different than when you stick daggers in your siblings chests? Why won't you stop destroying yourself? You will help me find a cure for those wolves and you will apologize to Elijah for the death of his girlfriend."

He scoffed looking around at the compound before his gaze returned to you.

"And who are you to tell me what I will and will not do? You're just a mere human. I'm the hybrid here."

"Wow" you scoffed out looking at him. He hit home. He knew your insecurities and he used them. You felt useless as a human and that he shouldn't be with one, that he deserved to be with a immortal vampire or a strong werewolf. He has reassured you multiple times that being human made you, you. And that he loved you. You looked away not wanting him to see you cry.

"I was your girlfriend, but you've made it obviously clear that you don't want that."

You turned around, walking away from the man you loved. You kept walking until a hand grabbed your wrist pulling you back. You didn't dare to turn around and look at him though.

"Y/N," his voiced cracked. "Please I'm sorry, I-I used your insecurities to dig at you in a fit of rage. Don't end this, don't end us."

You turned around slowly still not daring to look him in the eyes.

"I love you but you can't keep taking your problems out on people and then blame it on a fit of rage.  You can't keep using me as a punching bag."

"Please look at me."

You looked up, meeting his gaze instantly. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm working on it, I really am. I'm new to this relationship stuff and i'll help. I don't know how but I'll help even if it means saying sorry to Elijah and learning how to speak witchy mumbo jumbo in the clock tower. Anything to make you not mad at me. I love you, Y/N."

You laughed a little, thinking about Klaus attempting to read grimoires.

"Do I have you whipped?"

You looked up at him, a smirk growing on your face. His arms tightened around your waist and you could tell he was trying to hold back a smile.

"Of course not"

"Hmm sure. That's why will you do anything to make me not mad at you?"

You laughed together and he pulled you in for a short kiss. He rested his head against yours and mumbled on your lips,

"Maybe I'm whipped."

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