Chapter 1

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??? PoV

???: "C'mon keep up with me."

I sped up and started running after him until he suddenly disappeared.

???: "Behind you, little leaf."

I turn around and I get bopped on the nose. I fall over because I tripped on the root of a tree. I hear him laugh over me until he reaches his hand down and helps me up. I dust myself off and ask him something.

Me: "Why are we here anyway."

He turned back to means smiled

???: "Because I have a small gift for you, little leaf."

He held something in his hand, walked closer to me, and told me to open up my palm. I did and he gave me something, a small necklace made out of shells with a pointy rock being hung in the middle.

Wake up Akali

I place the necklace around my neck with his help.

Wake up Akali

He held his wrist up

Wake up Akali

Me: "See I have a bracelet that looks the same, that means we're best friends forever."

Wake up Akali

I thought my ears were playing tricks on me

Me: "Did you say something ___?"

???: "Wake up Akali."

I walked closer to him and asked him to repeat.

???: "I said wake up Akali!"

My eyes shoot open

???: "Finally, we will be late for school if you don't hurry up and put on your uniform."

I stared at her groggily

Me: "What are you talking about?"

She rolls her eyes

???: "Just hurry up and get dressed already."

Ugh, I forgot about that, can't believe I have to go back to school so soon, especially in a different country.

I get off the bed and put on the school uniform. Kai'sa was kind enough to put it on top of my drawer. I quickly put on the uniform. Which consisted of a black button-up shirt with two pockets and a skirt along with the required black shoes. I tie the little tie they give us loosely around my neck and head into the bathroom to freshen up a bit.

I do my usual morning routine, brush my teeth, wash my face, clean my ears, and tie my hair into a ponytail. I step out of the bathroom and head to the dining room to eat some breakfast.

A small yawn escapes my lips as I sit down on one of the chairs. Evelynn tapped my shoulder

Evelynn: "There's no time to eat darling we have to leave right now."

She spoke in her usual fashion and was wearing the same thing as me though she did have knee socks on. I groan and grab a single pancake. I chomp down on it as quickly as I can while running out of the house. I hear the beeping of the car.

I enter inside the car where our driver, Carl greets me.

I hear someone whistle next to me, I turn to face her, it was Ahri.

Ahri: "I told you not to sleep late tonight."

Me: "You woke me up from a nice dream, you know that?"

The other girls were also wearing knee socks, making me the only one who wasn't.

Ahri: "It's just one more semester then we are done with high school and we can go back to Korea."

Kai'sa spoke up a little after

Kai'sa: "To be honest I like it here."

Evelynn: "I agree darling, they have such juicy stories around here, it's so boring back in Korea."

We moved here on break to finish up high school, Ahri thought it would be a good idea to spend some time in the west to "experience the culture."

Me: "Whatever."

Kai'sa: "What was the school name again Ahri?"

She instantly perked up

Ahri: "A school called Hexi High."

Me: "What a dumb name."

She shrugged

Ahri: "Say what you want about it, it's one of the best schools around."

Kai'sa: "I hope we don't get recognized, I don't want to introduce myself in front of everyone."

Evelynn: "We probably will, but don't worry all of us will be right there."

Everyone in the car seemed happy to be going to this Hexi High place and I didn't want to bring the mood down so I sat back and waited patiently to arrive.

It didn't take too long, we made it to Hexi High and we all got out of the car. The building was big and it had two other buildings to the side. One building had Gym written in big red letters at the front while the one on the other side didn't have anything written on it.

Carl: "I'll be here to pick you up later madam."

Evelynn: "Thank you, Carl."

She waved and Carl drove off leaving us standing in front of the main building.

Ahri: "Let's go in shall we?"

We all entered the building and made our way through the main hall.

Ahri: "Excuse me sir you wouldn't happen to know the way to Ms. Fiora's homeroom would you."

The man nodded

???: "Up the stairs to the fourth floor keep walking straight until you see the classroom marked with S-00."

Ahri: "Thank you, mister."

Ahri walked in front and led us to the classroom. We found the right class and entered inside.

Fiora: "Ah here they are, come in students."

She spoke in what I assumed was a french accent.

Fiora: "I'd like you all to welcome the new transfer students."

She turned to us

Fiora: "Introduce yourselves, ladies."

Ahri nodded and spoke up first

Ahri: "Hello my name is Ahri."

Evelynn: "Evelynn."

Kai'sa: "I-i'm k-kai'sa."

Me: "Akali."

Fiora: "Feel free to take a seat."

We scouted for a place we could all sit together. We did find one, a guy with two seats on each side of him. We all walked up to him and he seemed to be asleep.

Evelynn tapped his shoulder, he showed no reaction until Evelynn did it again, he seemed to wake up fully.

???: "Can I help you?"

Transfer Students? (Highschool K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now