Chapter 36

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Ahri PoV

We all aat with y/n's mom as she told us stories about his childhood.

Akali: "No way!"

Evelynn laughed

Evelynn: "That's certainly one way to do it."

Kai'sa: "How did he not notice him."

Mrs. L/N: "That boy wasn't the brightest child in the playground but he more than made up for it in spirit."

Y/n's mom finished telling us the story of y/n dressing up as a cheerleader to cheer up a freind. And he then ended up smacking his freind on the head mid way through the performance.

Akali: "But if y/n was so energetic how did you ever keep him home?"

Mrs. L/n: "That's simple, I used a rubik's cube."

Me: "Hiw did that work?"

Mrs. L/n: "Well y/n has a always been very smart, I used to try giving him math equations when I didn't want him to go out, but he would always solve them no matter how hard I made them."

She takes a sip of her coffee

Mrs. L/n: "So I moved on to something else, puzzles, that seemed to slow him a bit so as a joke I got a rubik's cube and that was the item that stopped him for good."

She laughed weakly

Mrs. L/n: "He spent days trying to solve it but he never could, then after days of struggling he final gave up and secluded himself in his room for a couple of days."

She clasped her shivering hands together.

Me: "Did you ever use it again?"

Mrs. L/n: "Very rarely and only as a last resort."

She smiled warmly

Akali: "Tell us more stories about him."

Mrs. L/n: "Hmm well there was the time he-"

The door of the coffee shop swung open.

???: "STOP!"

I quickly took notice of the figure, y/n was now here. Sweat was apparent all throughout his body. He was panting and he look about ready to pass out. He wiped his brow before speaking.

Y/n: "I'm here- I-I made it I'm- I-I am so close to having a stroke give me a second."

He took several heavy breaths and his knees were shaking as he aproaches our table.

Akali: "Jesus christ what happened."

Y/n: "I... was down in beloit street so I had to run all the way here, then I realized I forgot my backpack so I had to go back home, then I ran two miles in the opposite direction, finally I ran all the way here."

He put both of his hands on his knees

Y/n: "Unfortunately I don't have infinite stamina."

He coughed violently before clearing his throat. I stood up and checked over him.

Me: "Are you okay?"

Before he answered I took one of the paper towels and wiped some of the sweat off his face. It was then I noticed how hot his skin was, even through the paper towel. I placed my hand against his cheek only to be met with more heat.

Me: "You're burning up."

Y/n: "I'm fine."

He waved me off and took a step forward.

Y/n: "Nope I'm passing out."

His body goes limp but just before he makes contact with the floor I catch his body.

Akali: "This feels like a very common occurence now a days."

Akali got up and helped me pick him up.

Y/n PoV

???: "You dummy."

I lazily opened my eyes, laying in front of me was lita. My gaze wandered up to meet her eyes.

Lita: "Overusing your ability isn't good for you."

I groan both from her words and how comfortable I feel. Damn she's super warm, I dont wanna move.

She suddenly giggled

Lita: "Thank you y/n, but flattery won't soothe my disappointment."

I groaned again, I was way to tired to talk. I just want to rest a little.

She sighed

Lita: "I spoil you way too much."

Before I knew it I was wrapped up in her warmth, completely enveloped by her body. Her clawed hand lightly scratched my head.

Lita: "Just this once I'll let you rest."

She kissed my forehead and continued to rub my head soothingly.

Me: "Thank you lita."

I relaxed in her grasp and let the feeling swoop me away.

Lita: "Anything for my adorable human."

I gasp in shock as I wake up fully I look around my self. And I'm in a dark room with the sound of a shower going off in the distance. I gaze around and feel this room was familiar.

Just as I regain my bearing the sound of water stops and the bathroom door swings open. A soaking wet and naked akali stood there.

Mort : "Not like that you filthy pervs."


She seemed surprised to see me up.

Akali: "Hey do you mind turning around I'm trying to get dressed."

Me: "O-oh yeah sure."

I quickly turn mybback to her and after a few seconds of clothes being put on she sits down next to me.

Akali: "You missed the whole day dude."

Me: "What?"

Akali: "You were passed out for all of today."

I stood up in shock

Me: "How!?"

Akali: "I dunno you tell me."

I let out an exasperated groan

Me: "This crap takes too much effort."

Akali: "But hey bright side we got your mom all settled in."

Me: "Well that's good."

Akali: "Oh and you and me are sharing this bed."

Me: "That's not so good, why are we sharing your bed?"

Akali: "I can't in good conscious have my best friend sleep on a couch, and I knew you'd be against taking up your mom's bed space so... this was the best solution."

She laid down on her bed

Akali: "Now get in I'm tired and I want to sleep."

Me: "How do you not find this awkward?"

Akali: "Pshh we've slept together before, you're the only one freaking out about it."

She yawned

Me: "Cant you give me more information?"

She groaned

Akali: "Just get in and sleep before I slap the crap out of you."

I had no further response to that so I accepted it and laid down on her bed.

Crap can I even sleep anymore, I did sleep a lot already.

Aaaaand I already passed out.

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