Chapter 3

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Ahri PoV

I sat back down next to y/n as the class started. Akali leaned in closer beside me.

Akali: "I'm telling you Ahri, he's a waste of energy."

I lean towards her too

Me: "Everyone deserves a chance to have a Friend kali."

I tap his shoulder and he woke up, he looked irritated but calmed down after turning to me.

Y/n: "Yeah?"

I smile at him

Ahri: "You never told us where the cafeteria was, mind taking us there when lunch comes around?"

He yawns

Y/n: "Sure."

Ahri: "And one more thing."

I heard him whisper under his breath

Y/n: "This day seems like it will take a lot of effort."

He focused back on me

Me: "Are there any groups we should watch out for?"

Y/n: "Could you clarify?"

I hummed thinking of how to say it

Me: "I don't want any bad influences going on Akali."

I hear him mumble under his breath

Y/n: "Little... leaf?"

He shook his head and sat up

Y/n: "Everyone usually minds their own business, but if I had to say some people to avoid, don't go near Aatrox, Garen, or Sett."

I tilted my head to the side

Me: "Why?"

He immediately looked irritated

Y/n: "Hang out with them and find out for yourself."

He yawned again

Y/n: "Now if you don't mind I'm going back to sleep."

I nodded, I was most definitely deflated at this point but I wasn't going to give up.

Me: "Sleep well Y/n."

Viktor: "Now students it's time for the English test."

Eh? Did I miss something?

Mr. Viktor walked around the class, passing out tests. But we just got here, how are we supposed to know any of this?

I turned to Akali and I could already see the sweat formulating on her forehead. Mr. Viktor placed the paper in front of her, I could see her panicking on the inside. Mr. Viktor gave me and y/n our tests and walked back to his desk.

Viktor: "You may begin."

I see y/n get up fully for the first time and begin to write. I focused back on my test and started answering the questions. My curiosity got the better of me. About ten minutes into the test I turned to y/n and he was already done.

I was always really good academically but even I was only about halfway done. Mr. Viktor wasn't kidding, he is talented. I looked back down to my test and refocused. But that doesn't mean his answers are correct.

Y/n suddenly wakes up and looks forward to the JZ guy before handing him a piece of paper. Y/n scribbled something on it and handed it back. JZ also scribbles something and hands it back to y/n.

I lean over slightly and see he wrote three letters to three numbers.

7. A

14. C

21. D

I check over my work and see I put the same answer for 7 and 14. Maybe he does know a thing or two. Y/n handed the paperback and put his head back down.

I turn my test to the 21st question and put D as my answer choice. After another 10 minutes, I was finished and turned my test around. Evelynn and Kai'sa finished a little after me, last was Akali.

The timer ran out and everyone seemed to be finished. Mr. Viktor took everyone's tests and began to grade them. It took a few minutes, but he finally called everyone's attention.

Viktor: "All of you passed the test, with only one 100 in the class."

A girl from the front, who had introduced herself as Sarah, spoke

Sarah: "Let me guess, was it y/n~?"

She had a tone similar to Evelynn's

Viktor: "Correct Sarah, perhaps you students should strive to be more like him."

Sarah spoke again

Sarah: "Lazy?"

The whole class seemed to laugh

Kat: "There's no way that guy isn't cheating, he never pays attention in class."

I see y/n finally wake up and stand up

Y/n: "Feel free to check my desk."

He stood back from his desk and emptied his pockets with nothing to be found.

Viktor: "Mr. L/n please sit down, no one here actually thinks you're cheating."

I hear him speak under his breath

Y/n: "Sounds to me like you're just dumb, this test was easy."

The bell rings signaling the end of this period. Everyone gathers their stuff and leaves. I turned to my side but y/n was already gone. The next period was PE, I spotted y/n and walked over to him.

Akali grabs my hand

Akali: "I'm pretty sure we can find our way to the gym."

I release her grip from her hand

Me: "I won't let him be until he admits I'm his Friend."

Akali: "Just stop Ahri, I'm pretty sure we can find other friends that want to hang out with us."

Evelynn popped up next to me

Evelynn: "I agree darling, he doesn't seem to like you."

Me: "No, I'm not here to discuss, he will be my Friend by the end of the week."

I quickly walked to where he was heading. Wait I can just go to the gym and find him in the bleachers.

The others catch up to me and we all walk towards the gym. We enter inside the separate building and we're led to a locker room. We all put on our gym uniform which was a white shirt with the school logo and a pair of shorts.

After putting on our uniforms we head out to the bleachers. I find y/n at the corner of one and sit next to him. He was fully asleep

The teachers spoke

Caitlyn: "We got a special game for all of you today."

The other teacher threw a ball at Mrs. Caitlyn who caught it.

Vi: "Dodgeball."

Caitlyn: "We've already assigned your teams, the rules are simple, dodge the ball and don't step out of the court."

That just sounds like normal dodgeball, what's so special about it?

Transfer Students? (Highschool K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now