Chapter 2

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??? PoV

A silent abyss shimmers around me, a void with nothing but darkness and myself. Suddenly the void in which I resided shook. I didn't bother to drift through the darkness.

Me: "Seems like a lot of effort."

I refocused on the void, its darkness until it shook again. My eyes shoot open and I look up fully. My gaze was met with 4 other students. They seem bitchy

Me: "Can I help you?"

The tallest one of the group spoke up

???: "Yes darling, you wouldn't mind moving to the corner seat over there would you?"

Her hand was firmly pressed against my desk, I sighed and mumbled under my breath.

Me: "Dealing with all of you seems like way too much effort."

I gathered all my items and went to the corner desk. I was going to fall back asleep until I hear Ms. Fiora speak

Fiora: "Mr. L/n since you wanted to sleep through everything why don't you tour the new students around the building."

I mumbled under my breath again

Me: "Of course, I have to do this, *sigh* I was obviously the best choice, not the other guys in this class who look about ready to be their footstools."

I hear laughing just a few seats away which Ms. Fiora also caught.

Fiora: "Mr. Jackson why don't you join Y/n."

Zachery Jackson or ZJ as he prefers to go by.

I hear him groan and roll his eyes

Fiora: "Oh I'm sorry would you prefer detention?"

He got up and signaled the four girls to follow him. I got up soon after and walked next to him.

Zj: "Want to take the lead?"

Me: "I honestly couldn't care less."

He laughed

Zj: "Great, you got this buddy."

He patted my shoulder and walked off somewhere. I lead them to each of their classes.

Me: "You've already seen Ms. Fiora's class, that's your homeroom and your math class."

I walked to the next class

Me: "This is the English class taught by Mr. Viktor."

I went to the third room across the hall.

Me: "This is Mr. Ryze's class, world geography."

I walked to the class next to it

Me: "This would be Mr. Viego's class he teaches Spanish."

I turn back to them

Me: "The building to the right if this one is the gym, we have two coaches Ms. Caitlyn and Ms. Vi."

???: "Excuse me, but should you be saying Mr or Ms with their last name following? Not their first name?"

The fox vastaya was the one who spoke

Me: "Not sure if that's how you do that but we say the first name around here."

She smiled and nodded

Me: "Ah yes, the building to the right is the theater, that class is taught by Mr. Jhin."

I walk to the very last door on the fourth floor.

Me: "Finally this is Mr. H's class, he teaches engineering."

???: "Who's Mr. H."

Me: "Heimendinger, that name is too long so we shorten it to H."

The girl with a ponytail nodded and crossed her arms. I point to the door next to Mr. H's class.

Me: "That is Mr. Singed's class, he teaches biology."

I go to walk away but one of them grabs my arm. I forcefully shook them off and turned around.

It was the fox again she seemed a little surprised, she bowed down and apologized.

???: "Sorry, I just wanted to thank you."

I mumbled under my breath again

Me: "Yeah, yeah whatever."

???: "Wait, one more thing."

I turn around once again and face her

???: "Sorry to bother but what's your name."

I turn around again

Me; "Y/n L/n, don't bother remembering it."

I whispered the last part and walked away without another word.

Ahri PoV

The guy that was leading us around walked away back to the homeroom.

Akali: "What a douchebag."

I looked at her questioningly

Me: "He was a little rude but I wouldn't go that far."

Evelynn: "He can be as rude and cold as he wants, I couldn't care less as long as he doesn't try anything."

Kai'sa: "I don't mind, he answered all the questions asked and he led us around, and the best part is that he respected our privacy and didn't try to make conversation."

She seemed nervous walking around with Y/n leading us.

Evelynn: "What was he mumbling about ahri?"

Me: "He said not to bother remembering it."

Akali: "What's his problem."

I looked back at her with a smile

Ahri: "I think he's just a little lonely, maybe a Friend would help."

Akali rolls her eyes

Akali: "Sorry to inform you Ahri, but some people just don't like other people, not much can change that."

I was going to speak again but the bell rang, indicating the next class was about to start.

We went off to first-period English with Mr. Viktor. By the time we got to his class y/n was already there. I decided to sit down next to him. His face was down meaning he was probably asleep. I was about to talk to him until I heard the teacher speak.

Viktor: "Welcome students, old and new."

He looked directly at us

Viktor: "Everyone please introduce yourselves to the new transfer students."

He signaled for us to come down, so we did. I turn back and look at y/n, he was still asleep.

He pointed at the first person in the class.

???: "My name is Garen."

Then the next person

???: "Call me kat."


???: "Pantheon."

Fourth person

???: "I'm Lux nice to meet you."

I smiled back at her as Mr. Viktor pointed to the next person. Me. Viktor continued this cycle until we went through every person, except for y/n.

Viktor: "Mr. L/n introduce yourself."

He showed no reaction at all

Me: "It's alright we've already met him, he led us through the school."

He nodded and talked to us more privately.

Viktor: "I want to apologize for y/n, he has a lot of talent but he refuses to do anything with it."

Me: "What does that mean to us exactly."

Viktor was about to speak but Akali did it first.

Akali: "It means he's lazy and not worth befriending."

Viktor: "Now, now this is still a class, take your seats and refrain from insulting each other."

Transfer Students? (Highschool K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now