Chapter 55

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Eddie: "Here comes the alcohol."

I tried to turn my head

Me: "The what!?"

I feel a huge splash of liquid on my head. The whole squad of them started laughing their asses off.

Me: "Oh fuck!"

I grab head and start to rub it

Me: "Oi you dickhead!"

He slaps my back

Eddie: "You're welcome kid."

He spins the chair so I can face the mirror. My edge up and fade were crispy as fuck.

Me: "Alright it was worth."

I stood up off the chair and dapped up Eddie. I slid him a hundred in the dap.

Me: "Keep the change Ed."

He smirked and slid it into his pocket.

Eddie: "Look at you slingin' cash like you got massive balls."

I waved goodbye with a small smile on my face. I wished the old crew goodbye and closed the door on Eddie's barbershop.

A small sigh of relief exits my mouth as the chilly air hits the back of my freshly cut head. I walk along the sidewalk to leave the slums.

I'm running low on 13 in 1 shampoo, yeah, I'll text ma to get me some.

I pull my phone out and text mom about the shampoo and where to find it. She send back a thumbs up.

I smile a little and put away my phone, then, I feel a cold metal pressing against the back of my head. A familiar clicking sound resonates from behind my head.

My lord... I've been here for an hour and in already being robbed.

???: "Oi! I said give me your money boy!"

The gun pressed harder against my head, in response, I activated apnoea. I turned around and grabbed the guys hand in the process.

???: "Wait y-you're the brutal bruis-"

I pulled the guy forward and used my free hand to slam him down on the pavement.

I felt bone break, he didn't move. I retracted my hand from his face and walked away before he could get back up again.

I don't have much steam left, I need to relax on apnoea for now.

Another cold breeze flies past me. It was an odd wind, almost like the world was warning me of something. I grew uncomfortable with my surroundings.

I need to get the hell out of here.

I ducked into a nearby alleyway and looked around for a way out of here. I peeked at the ladder handing off some scaffolding. The bricks leading to it were just cracked enough to give me some climbing space.

This way it is.

I climbed on the bricks and jumped to the ladder once I got high enough. I took the ladder to another series of bricks, from there I climbed all the way to the roof.

The air got cold again.

I turn my head as quickly as I could, my eyes darted around for a sign of another person.

???: "You again..."

A breath exits my mouth, steam was erupting around me. I shivered at the cold bitterness of the air.

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