Chapter 22

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I calmed down and relaxed before agreeing with Ahri.

Akali: "I'm down."

Evelynn: "Sure."

Kai'sa: "Ok."

Me: "Didn't you all just eat like two tubs of popcorn?"

Akali: "So did you, and you looked happy to get ramen."

Me: "Yeah, I used my ability in that fight, all that popcorn I just ate got burned away, not only that but I also need to sleep and eat more than normal people, what's your excuse?"

Akali: "Uh, well I um-"

I smirk

Me: "Relax, I'm just messing with you, eat all you want."

A clutch my chest as a sudden pain comes to my heart.

Oh fuck I forgot to deactivate apnoea, I'm passing out

Me: "Aw shit..."

The last thing I saw was the seat as my face fell towards it.

???: "Idiot."

I tilt my head up

Me: "I know."

I turn around and see Akali

Akali: "How did you manage to forget to deactivate your ability."

Me: "I don't know, I guess I'm just tired."

The void shimmered in a white glow

Me: "I liked it better when it was dark here."

A chair appeared next to me, and Akali sat down in it.

Akali: "I can see why, it hurts your eyes after a while."

Me: "But we're not here to talk about that are we?"

Akali: "Nope, I'm just here to congratulate you."

She stood up and patted my shoulder

Akali: "You're doing great buddy."

Me: "No, I'm not, I'm still to afraid to tell little leaf the truth."

She laughed

Akali: "That comes with time y/n, for now, wake up."

Me: "Man, this part sucks."

I gasp I'm shock and suddenly find my self falling on a stone step. I smash my skull againts the step.

Me: "Fuck that hurt like a bitch."

Ahri: "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"

I groan in pain and get up

Akali: "Dude are you okay."

Me: "I was."

I take a look around and see a big house in front of me, with the stone stairs I fell on leading up to it.

Me: "Where the hell am I."

Ahri walked in front of me

Ahri: "This is our house, pretty fancy right?"

Me: "Sure."

I check my head to make sure I'm not bleeding or anything. Luckily I wasn't but I could feel a bump forming.

Me: "I should get going, it's getting late."

Ahri: "But we don't get to have dinner with you yet."

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