Chapter 35

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Evelynn PoV

After flicking the pigs blood off my tails I went to check in on y/n.

Before I could even make it halfway towards him, he stood up while still holding his mother in arms.

Y/n: "Take my ma outside for a few minutes, I'll handle this."

His still, calm expression didn't match his words or body language. Nevertheless he pass his mother's body to me and turned to face the burglars.

Me: "Don't worry ma'am I'll get you outside."

She didn't turn to me, she was looking at y/n. I heard her whisper weakly

M/n: "That boy better not do something rash."

She was worried about him, that much was clear. I couldn't help but smile they seem happy.

I refocused and made my way out of y/n's home. I walk over to the car and the others start bombarding me with questions.

Ahri: "What happened?"

Akali: "Where is y/n?"

Kai'sa: "Hi Ms. M/n."

Evelynn: "Relax darlings I'll explain later."

Bot a second after I said that I hear a window get smashed open. I turn around and the filthy pig was desperately trying to get up.

The man was noticeably more bruised and cut and his left arm was most definitely broken, I could almost see the bone pike trough his skin.

Before I could take note of anything else three more bodies were flung out of the same broken window. All of the burglars had their masks removed, and each of them was badly beaten.

Then the door got kicked right off its hinges and there stood the ball of anger himself, y/n.

I could see blood covering his knuckles and Pat's of his face. The first man tried to get away but y/n leapt and slammed his foot down on his back.

A terrifying crackle was heard from the impact. But he didn't stop there he picked up one of the guys in his left arm, another in his left hand and the third one in his right hand.

The man he finished stomping on got the worst treatment, he continuously kicked him away. Then I took notice of the van a few feet away from the house. With one ferocious kick he launched the man into the van.

He threw the healthiest looking one trough the windshield and into the driver seat. And the other followed soon after. Throughout the whole ordeal I blocked the vision of his mother.


The van soon drove off leaving all us to process what happened. I quickly helped Ms. M/n inside the car and closed the door. Everyone else quickly got out and surrounded him.

Y/n: "Alright I'm going to need you all to take her somewhere to eat, I'll pay you back whatever she orders for and the gas it takes."

Ahri: "What? Why?"

Y/n: "I don't have time to explain, but if I cant trust you with this then just tell me."

Ahri stood in silence for a few seconds.

Ahri: "Okay, we'll do it, but where are you going."

Y/n: "I'm coming up with a plan."

Before any of us could question him more he ran back inside his house. He came out a few seconds later with his jacket on.

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