Chapter 20

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Ahri: "Where's your house at? We can drop you off there."

Me: "Nah it's fine just drop me off at the arcade."

Akali: "Why though, just let us drop you off at home, wouldn't that be easier for you?"

Me: "No, just drop me off at the arcade, I can go from there."

Evelynn: "Are you homeless? We have extra space in our house."

I took a deep breath

Me: "I'm not dealing with this."

I opened the car door and jumped out

Ahri: "Holy shit!-"

I activate apnoea and safely land, the car stops but before they could get out I quickly run away. I knew my way home so I just ran up the broken down building in front of me.

The small cracks made the climb possible. Eventually I make it onto the roof and parkour my way home. As I come to my house I dive bomb and roll to the ground. I deactivate apnoea and wipe away the sweat on my forehead.

I should really stop using my ability like this.

I took a deep breath and walked to the front door. I was nervous because I knew, no, I didn't know what awaited for me.

I opened up the door and carefully made my way inside. I let out a deep sigh andake my way to my mother's room. I nervously open up the door. My mother sat on her bed she held the phone in her hand with a distraught look on her face.

Me: "Hey mom..."

She weakly got off her bed

Me: "Mom! Just lay back down!"

She grunted and feeble walked over to me. She reached me and stared sadly into my eyes. Her hands weakly hugged me

M/n: "Why?"

Me: "Me and sett were fighting over a girl."

I gently lift her off her feet and carry her back to her bed. I gently placed her down

Me: "He swung first, and I know you're going to say I shouldn't have tried to fight but... I just... Couldn't not fight."

She shook her head

M/n: "I'm dissapointed y/n."

Me: "I... I know, I'm sorry."

M/n: "You promised me you wouldn't fight again."

Me: "I know ma, I didn't expect him to actually fight, he's also on thin ice with the school."

She silently stared at me

Me: "I'll try harder next time."

M/n: "Were you injured?"

Me: "No, besides a bruise on my rib."

I bowed my head

M/n: "I want you to go out and have fun sweetie, I don't want you to use your gifts in such a terrible way."

I stayed quiet and didn't dare look at her in the eyes.

M/n: "I love you sweetie, and don't fight with anyone again."

I nodded and hugged her she gently patted my back. I eventually let her go and leave her room.

Me: "Is there anything you want to eat ma?"

M/n: "I already ate sweetie."

Me: "Ok."

I grab the last ramen cup out of the cabinet.

???: "Any more ramen in there?"

I turn around and get ready to swing

Akali: "Woah dude chill."

I could feel a vein bulging out of my head, I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my room before mom spotted her.

Me: "What! The fuck! Are you doing here!?"

She shrugged and sat down on my bed

Akali: "I wanted to see where you lived, and also we were going to invite you to see a movie with us as a payback of sorts."

Me: "Get out!"

Akali: "Nah, also chill with all that yelling, what if your mom hears?"

I take one deep breath and open up my bedroom door.

Akali: "Y'know, no one else knows I'm here, it would be a shame if I told the others where you live."

Me: "You're blackmailing me?"

Akali: "What? No no no, I'm just telling you a fact, and how it would suck if I did do that thing.

She walked in front of me

Akali: "Imagine all the people that would come and bother you, so why don't you just come with us and I keep my mouth shut."

Me: "Fine, when do we leave."

Akali: "At 7 buddy."

She patted my shoulder and walked off I caught her before she walked in front of my mother's room. I slowly closed the door and grabbed akali's hand I led her out.

Me: "You know where to pick me up."

Akali: "Sure, see ya there."

I closed the front door and cooked up my ramen. I ate silently and contemplate my current situation. God damn it she's got me in checkmate. I sighed

I miss when things were simpler, little leaf.

I quickly throw away my cup and go to my room. I lay in my bed, set an alarm for 6:40, and after a few minutes I slept.

The alarm woke me up and I quickly threw something random on that looked decent. I grabbed my ma's jacket, put it on, and stepped out of my room. I walk outside my house and close the front door.

I run to the arcade and chill out for a few minutes until the others came over to pick me up. I mess around for a few minutes until I hear a familiar voice calling me over.

Akali: "Let's go dude."

I walk over and get inside the car

Ahri: "How the hell did you just jump out of the car and survive."

Me: "I have a really good ability."

Evelynn: "And if you weren't lying a pretty nice dick too."

Me: "Yo are you joking or not I can't tell."

She picks her lips

Evelynn: "Text me and find out~"

Me: "I'm regretting everything already."

Evelynn: "I'm not~"

I groan

Ahri: "Relax eve, I already gave you his number."

Me: "Don't text me please."

Evelynn smirked

Akali: "Everyone please remain calm, he won't do it anyways."

She chuckled

Akali: "We're just messing with you dude, don't take anything eve says seriously."

Me: "Whatever you say little leaf."


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