How the Afterlife Works (With Chiaki and Y/N)

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Author: Underline
Chiaki: Bold
Y/N: Italics


Alrighty, so this may be confusing to some of you guys so we'll explain

Basically, when you die and you still have something(s) you wanna do, you are given a chance to do it (or one)

Tsumugi's life was revolved around Danganronpa, so she had nothing

Kiyo's sister wanted to be with her brother forever, but then that faded after meeting Y/N, and you may be wondering: Are her and Y/N friends? Y/N?


Okay, straight forward

We just hung around each other. She didn't consider me a friend either. She was more of a messenger since she could hear the living people talking

You also may be wondering: How is Y/N and Chiaki able to do the things they did? Let us explain

When you turn into a ghost, not only are you given a chance to finish (one of) your life goals, but you are also given a specific power or power

I can see through walls and control electronics

I can control anything relating to nature. And Kiyo's sister could make living things die by command

Wow, that's a nice power

Their powers kind of relate to their lives. Y/N gave life to those who didn't have it anymore, so they got something that gives life as well: Nature. Chiaki was a gamer, so she's able to control electronics and see through walls and such as if they were screens.

And Kiyo's sister was not a fun and go-lucky person during her life

You are acting very salty, right now

If your friend was *IT'S TRIGGERING SO IT'S NOT SHOWN* you would be mad, too

Oh, trust me, I'm mad

One more thing

Oh yeah! So, I have gotten this question: How is Y/N alive? Simple. They never necessarily died in the first place. If you remember, the necronomicon didn't recommend bringing back more than ten people. But, it was referring to a creature, not a human.

A human has a longer life span than animals that normally is used, like rats, mice, and dogs. If those things were to be used, the max people you could bring back would be 9.

But you brought back eleven


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