*Just A Heads Up*

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Hey, as you can see I've started reading/watching Tokyo Revengers and I really like the series. I'm not fully done with the anime and I've read the first few chapters of the manga but I've been spoiled to a few things thanks to the internet, especially tiktok. Anyways, I wanted to continue branching out to write for other anime series. I hope you enjoy my story.

Now for a little info about the story:

1. I will be following the storyline of Tokyo Revengers as best as I can.

2. I originally gave the reader a male name but decided against it, so name you can name yourself whatever you want

3. (Y/n) isn't ashamed of being born a girl, she likes dressing up cute every now and then but feels more comfortable dressed as a male

4. (M/n) is male name

* I'll update this section if anything comes up

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now