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Takemichi returned back to the present in order to figure out what was the real reason for the in fighting within Toman. He also wanted to see why the disappearance of (M/n) was connected to this as well. To him the involvement of (M/n) didn't seem like it was a big deal. He didn't know him that well, so he didn't know what his relationship with Mikey was.

"Hey Naoto, what did you say again about this (M/n) guy?" Takemichi asked as the two of them drove towards a construction site.

"(Mn)? Oh, you must be talking about (Y/n) (L/n)."

"(Y/n)? But isn't that a girls name?"

"It is, since she is a girl."

"No way! She didn't look like a girl to me!"

"She was surprisingly able to hide her gender from those around her for a long time, until that night where Ken Ryuguji was murdered."

"She was found out?"

"Yeah" Naoto started. "After that night, everyone in Toman knew she was a girl and to make a long story short, she felt like she was rejected by those she consider friends."

"What happened after that?"

"She got involved with another gang and was never heard from again."

"Damn." Takemichi sat there and processed what he just heard. "Wait Naoto, how do you know all of this exactly?"

"My sister used to know her through a girl named Emma" he started. "Emma found out what happened to her because of Amaya, the girl's mom."

"So I need to stop Draken from getting killed and keep (Y/n)'s gender a secret?"

"It would seem so."

Flashback...August 3rd thru October 13th 2005

Most of Toman were standing outside the hospital, waiting for the news about Draken. He was stabbed during the big brawl and no one noticed it right away. No one knew who did it or why it even happened in the first place. The only thing they knew was that they hoped he managed to survive through this.

Inside the hospital, waiting in the waiting room were three people. Those three were Emma, Mikey, and (Y/n). The latter was dealing with the possible death of her friend while dealing with the fact her secret about her being a girl finally came to light. She kept looking at Mikey who was just sitting on the long blue couch that was up against the wall. She wanted to say something to him but couldn't. She was speechless and scared.

"(Y/n)." The girl turned to look at Emma. She walked over to her friend and the girl hugged her. "I'm scared" she cried in her friends arms. "What if..." (Y/n) cut the girl off, telling her she shouldn't say things like that. She wanted her to stay positive but deep down (Y/n) had a gut feeling that Draken wasn't going to pull through this.

The light from the sign that told them that the operation was in progress turned off. The doors open and a doctor walked out. He looked around the room and the three teens all looked at him, anticipating the news.

"We couldn't save him in time."(Y/n)'s heart dropped all the way to the pit of her stomach as she felt Emma clench her yukata. "I'm sorry."

The sound of someone getting up could be heard followed by the sound of flip flops walking away. (Y/n) saw that Mikey had left, but didn't know where he was going. She thought it was to inform the others.

"(M/n)!" Mitsuya ran up to the girl and Emma. He stopped when he looked at the two girl's faces and it told him everything he needed to know. "Damn it!" He punched the wall next to him.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now