The Girl and Bloody Halloween

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Today was the big day. I no longer felt bad about the fight that's about to happen because of what Mikey said at the meeting last night. In fact, I'm looking forward to this fight. "It's been awhile since I felt like this about any fight" I thought as I stood next to Muto since all the captains were lined up in front of the rest of Toman.

The gate in front of us opened and we could hear the overseer introducing us along with Valhalla. Once he was done, Mikey walked over to him and thanked him for overseeing the fight today. The overseer, who's name was Hansen, replied back saying that if the fight sucks, he was going to take down both Toman and Valhalla.

"Representatives from both gangs, step forward!" someone exclaimed as Draken and Kazutora made their way to Hansen. Hansen asked them if they wanted to do a five-on-five with their best guys or an all-out melee with everyone. Draken insisted that Kazutora pick what they should do since it was Valhalla who wanted to fight us. But Draken did have one condition, he wanted Valhalla to return Baji back to Toman.

Kazutora titled his head. "Huh? Baji came to us so there's nothing to return." Draken repeated himself about Valhalla returning Baji back to us and this pissed off Kazutora.

"Hey, you guys going to fight he..." Hansen started but was met with a punch to the face, followed by a gut punch.

"Give me a break. Overseeing the fight? Conditions? Did you guys come here to play house or some shit?" Kazutora did a little spin, showing off the Valhalla guys. "We came here to beat the shit outta you until you're dead!"

"Wanna get shit started, Mikey?" Hanma grinned.

Mikey stared down Kazutora and Hanma. "Let's go, Toman!"


Both gangs rushed each other and the fight began. I stayed in the back for a bit and took a deep breath. I then ran over to a the Valhalla guy that just threw Takemichi. "Hey!" I got the guy's attention and punched him in the nose. The guy grabbed his nose and swung at me with his free hand. I dodged and caught his arm, twisting it. He let out a cry of pain as I flipped him on his back. As he laid on the ground, I punched him a few more times in the face.

"You bastard!" I looked over to my left to see three guys running towards me.

"Bring it on!" I smirked.

The fight raged on and a lot of Toman guys were getting their asses kicked. Of course I had stepped in to help fight the Valhalla guys that were taking on some of the tried Toman guys. Those guys thanked me. "Looks like a lot of you are running out of steam here" I reached down to help one of my division members.

"Sorry, Captain. We're trying but a lot of their guys are stronger and older than most of us."

"No need to apologize" I told him. "Did you forget who your captain was?" I gave him a smile.

"No, I haven't but" he looked to the side. "The sixth division should do a better job at protecting their captain."

It took me a minute to realize what he really meant by that. "Hey, I told you guys not to bring up you know what when it's Toman related business!"

"I'm sorry, Captain!" He ran off and helped another sixth division member off the ground.

I sighed and looked around. I noticed that the number of fallen Toman members were starting to pile up. "This is bad."


I looked in the direction of the scream and could see Takemichi. He was swinging both his arms like a crazy person, causing the Valhalla members around him to back away from him. "What the hell kind of fighting move is that?" I thought.

"I'm gonna crush all of you!!" Takemichi started to wobble and Mitsuya caught him before he hit the ground.

Somehow, Takemichi managed to light a fire under all of Toman and everyone was ready to get back into the fight. "Wow, good job Takemitchy" I thought as I started to mimic the move he was doing earlier. "You know, this might actually come in handy." I moved towards a group of Valhalla guys and they just stared at me confused.

"What the hell?"

I smirked and stop swinging my arms. I then kicked one of the guys in the gut while elbowing another one in the side who was trying to grab me. "It may not do much, but it was a great distraction move!" I took care of a few of the guys, but I did get hit a couple of times, well more like a bunch of times. "Damn. These guys are a lot stronger than most of the guys I took on in the past." I wiped some blood off my lip.

A thud hitting something metal caught everyone's attention. We all looked over in the direction of the sound and saw a unconscious Mikey on top of the car pile with Kazutora holding a bloody metal pipe. "Mikey!!!" Draken yelled.

I cupped my hands over my mouth, gasping. "Mikey."

Just as everyone thought that Mikey was done for, he slowly sat back up. Him and Kazutora were talking about something and you could see Kazutora walk up the pile of cars.

Kazutora held his arms out with his back facing everyone. "Did you know? If a person kills someone, they're a bad guy. But if you kill your enemy...You're a hero." He turned to face Mikey.

"What the hell is he on about?" I thought as I watched the two guys that were up there with Kazutora and Mikey make their way towards Mikey.

"Hold him for me. Good and tight" Kazutora order and the two guys grabbed Mikey. Once they had a good hold on him, Kazutora started to hit him in the head with the metal pipe he was holding. He hit him over and over as the pipe became more covered in Mikey's blood.

Some of the overseers thought Mikey lost and I called bullshit on that. "Bullshit! All you assholes are doing are just watching!" My little outburst caught the eyes of a few certain overseers. "And you Kazutora!" I started to make my way towards the car pile. "Did those two years in juvie turn you into a fucking wuss or something?!" I felt someone grab me, preventing me from getting closer to the cars. I struggled in their hold but they wouldn't let me go. "Ugh! Get the hell off me!"

While still being held by the two guys, Mikey hit the guy who was holding him in a full nelson with the back of his head. This caused the guy to let him go, giving Mikey the chance to lift up his leg that was being held by the other guy. The guy still held on to Mikey's leg as he kicked Kazutora in his temple, knocking him unconscious along with the Valhalla guy who was holding his leg earlier.

Mikey stood amongst the three unconscious guys, breathing heavy. He then fell to his knees and stopped moving. Not wanting to let a chance let this slip by, a bunch of Valhalla guys charged towards the car pile.

"Mikey, no!" I was still being held by some random Valhalla guy. Getting fed up with the guy, I lifted up my right leg and kicked backwards. I wasn't necessarily aiming for a certain spot, but it looks like I did when I heard a groan from behind me. I could now feel the guy let me go and I turned to look at him. "Oops." The guy was kneeling over and holding the area I just kicked. "I try not to do low blows like that, but oh well." I shrugged my shoulders and went back to focusing on the large group of Valhalla guys rushing towards Mikey.

I watched one of them jump on the cars and was about to hit Mikey with the weapon he had in his hand. "I'm taking their commander's head!" Just as those words left his mouth, a Toman member showed up out of nowhere and slugged the dude in the face. That Toman member turned to face us and announced that his division will be protecting Mikey.

"Where the hell did he come from?" I thought as I stared at Kisaki. "I didn't see him anywhere while the rest of us were fighting." I could start to hear other members of Toman praising Kisaki. I even heard Draken tell Kisaki to take care of Mikey. "I still don't trust that guy even if he was conveniently around to protect Mikey" I continued to think as I watched a Valhalla guy make his way to Kisaki. The guy had a metal pipe in his hands and he hit Kisaki in the head.


If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now