The Girl and The Final Meeting (Final Arc Part 4)

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"Just like old times, huh?" I looked at myself in the mirror as I admired the uniform I was wearing. A small part of me wanted to squeal because I was really excited to be apart of Toman again even if it was the second generation. "I have to be calm, (Y/n), remember shit is about to get real very soon." I looked at my reflection one more time and got ready to leave my room. "Amaya, I'll be back." I grabbed my motorcycle keys and left the apartment. I got onto my bike. "Why am I getting nervous all of a sudden?" I thought as I backed out of my parking spot and started driving towards Musashi Shrine. "Maybe it's because the last time I went to the shrine, Mikey started fighting everyone."

I kept driving down the rode until I eventually arrived at the shrine. I could see several recognizable motorcycles parked in the parking lot. "I see everyone's already here." I parked my motorcycle near Mitsuya's and Hakkai's and started walking towards the stairs.

"Look who finally decided to show up" I heard Smiley say as I walked down the stone path. "Took you long enough, (M/n)-chi." I walked up to him and he gave me a high five/fist bump.

"Yeah" I laughed and said hey to Angry. I then made my way over to where I used to stand during Toman meetings. "Long time no see, Senju."

"Hey, (Y/n). Sorry for not staying in contact with you" she apologized.

"It's okay, I've done that several times with the guys before." The two of us talked for a bit until Chifuyu and Takemichi started the meeting.

"2nd generation Tokyo Manji Gang kickoff meeting will now commence!" Chifuyu announced.

Takemichi took a step forward. "First and foremost, I'd like to apologize to all of you." He bowed his head. "I'm sorry for getting you all involved." He stood up straight again. "I lost to Mikey-kun in the battle of 3 deities. It got me down, but I'm standing here now." He never took his eyes off us as he spoke. "I might not have the caliber of a gang leader, and Toman's captain will always be Mikey-kun, but during the battle of 3 deities I realized something, Mikey-kun is not the same anymore. I want to bring back the old Mikey-kun." Takemichi got louder as he spoke. "But I want to win against Mikey-kun! Our goal is to defeat Kantou Manji Gang! I will win, no matter what! I won't stop, even if I'm defeated! So, all of you, let's take back what we have given up!" He went back to talking normally. "This isn't my fight alone, it's 'our' revenge."

Once the meeting was over, most of us stayed around for a while. "Wouldn't it have been better if you became the captain of the 5th division, (Y/n)?" Senju asked me. "You've been a member of Toman longer than I have so..."

"Nah, I like my 6th division spot" I told her. "Even though none of my members returned." I let out a sigh. "Bunch of cowards."

"Can you blame them, we are going up against Kantou Manji Gang after all" Yamagishi said.

"You sound like we don't have a chance against them, Yamagishi" Atsushi said as he joined us.

"I'm not saying that at all!" Yamagishi defended himself.

"Whatever. I just know if I see any of my guys in public or even on the enemy's side, I'm not showing them any mercy." I cracked my knuckles. "I'll personally send them all the hell myself along with half of Kantou Manji gang."

"You're just as violent as always, (Y/n)" Mitsuya said as he walked over to us.

"So?" Mitsuya laughed. He could see past me returning and it made him smiled. "I'm getting redemption for not being able to do shit during the battle of the 3 deities." I then remembered how Mikey was acting and that just made me more hyped for this fight. "Oh, I still have a few words to tell a certain someone if I get the chance" I thought.

"Hey, (Y/n), could you come over here real quick?" Takemichi asked from on top on the steps.

"Sure." I made my way over to him. "What's up?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"What? Fight Mikey or being a member of 2nd gen Toman?"


I let out a sigh. "Takemitchy, I already told you I would help out with this when we joined Brahman." I gave him a reassuring smile. "So don't worry about me."

"But what about your feelings for Mikey?"

I put my hand over my heart. "To be honest with you Takemichi, I don't know." I let out another sigh. "When you came back, I had already made up my mind I would keep my feelings for Mikey locked up inside my heart but things changed when I saw him again that day."

"What changed?"

"My feelings for him." Takemichi gave me a confused look. "I think my feelings for him have just gotten stronger even though I told him I hated him."

"You did?"

"Yeah but that's only because I was upset with how badly he beat you up and the other thing he did." The other thing I was talking about was how Mikey killed South with no remorse. Well it's not like South was a good guy with his guys killing Draken but still, killing someone will always be awful in my book. "I knew deep down I didn't actually mean it."

"I see." Takemichi looked over at Mitsuya who was still talking to Senju and now Hakkai. Well Hakkai froze on the spot the minute Senju started talking to him. "What about Mitsuya?"

I looked over at Mitsuya as well and he looked back, waving at me. I waved back at him. "What about him?"

"You have feelings for him too, right?"

"I do but they're not as strong as the feelings I have for Mikey are." I looked at Takemichi. "I know Takashi has feelings for me but I can't return them sadly." I had a sad smile on my face. "Crazy thing is, I think he knows that but he still chooses to hangout with me."

"Maybe he doesn't want to ruin the friendship you two have built over the years."

"Yeah and I'm glad because I would miss being his friend like crazy." I let out a laugh. "I already missed hanging out with him during that time he got mad at me and I stopped visiting him."

Takemichi couldn't help but laugh and we continued to talk for awhile until I needed to go home.

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