<BAD END 5.1>

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*This is technically in the same future as bad end 4, but events are very different and will have at least two to three parts to it*

*This is a continuation to the previous bad end 5*

*Phone conversations are in bold italic words*

🔞*Slight NSFW/Smut mention*


Months went by and Mitsuya never returned home. (Y/n) didn't think much about it at first, since this wasn't the first time he was gone for this long. Her current focus was her mother right now.

 "I wonder how she's doing?" (Y/n) thought as she made her way into the hospital. She got into the elevator and pushed the button for the floor her mother was on. "She seems to be doing a lot better as the weeks go by" she continue to think, walking towards the room her mother was in. She knocked a few times and announced that it was her that was coming into the room. "Hey..." (Y/n) stopped in the doorway and stared at the two figures that stood in the room.

"Oh, hello (Y/n)" Amaya greeted the girl. "These two gentlemen were telling me how they donate money to the hospital and offer to pay for anyone's medical expenses."

"Kisaki, Hanma. What brings you two here?" (Y/n) asked, forcing a smile on her face.

"We were checking to see if your mother needed anything" Kisaki answered. "By the way, your mother is such a lovely woman."

Amaya smiled and laughed, making (Y/n) sick to her stomach. Her mother just didn't understand how vile these two men were.

"Well, pardon us, Ms. (L/n)." Hanma excused himself first and walked by (Y/n), placing a hand on her shoulder. "So, how's that boyfriend of yours?" Before she could answer him, he left the room.

"Bastard" she whispered under her breath and watch Kisaki walk towards her.

"Your mother really is a lovely woman" Kisaki started. He had said something else but she couldn't hear him.

"I can't stand those two" she thought as she walked over to the chair that was sitting next to her mother's bed. "(Y/n), are you okay?"

"Huh?" she turned to face Amaya. "Oh, yeah, I'm doing great" she lied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure."

(Y/n) spent the next few hours at the hospital until it was time for her to go to her nightclub job. She told her mother bye and left the building, heading back home in order to get ready. As she was getting ready, she couldn't help but noticed the picture frame sitting on the dresser. "I haven't looked at this photo in years" she said as she went to go grabbed it. She stared at the photo and a small smile came to her face. "I miss this Toman."

The photo she was looking at was taken when she was fifteen. She looked so happy in that photo because of the friends she was surrounded by. "I wish things could have stayed like that" she placed the photo back and finished getting ready.

(Y/n) went to her nightclub job and got ready to come back home a few hours later. As she was about to enter her car, she got a call from Hanma. She let out a sigh and answered the phone. "Hello."

"Hey, got any plans tonight?"

"If I did, you would make me cancel them."

Hanma chuckled. "You know me so well, (Y/n)."

"...you want me to come over?"

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon