The Girl Hangs Out With Mitsuya & Mikey

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After that day we made that time capsule, I found myself still keeping to myself by staying inside the apartment all day. It's not like I really had much to do nowadays besides focus on school. "Maybe I should invite one of the guys out or something?" I sat up in my bed and grabbed my phone. As I clicked through the list of names, I came across Emma's name. I couldn't really make myself delete her number. "..." I kept clicking through names and finally landed on Mitsuya's number. "I wonder what he's up to?" I clicked the called button and waited for him to pick up the phone.

"Hey, (Y/n)."


"What's up?"

"Just being bored at home with Takimaru."

"I see, so you called me because you want to hangout?"

"Yeah, unless you don't want to."

"I do, is it okay for Luna and Mana to tag along?"

"I don't mind at all."

The two of us decided what we were going to do and I hanged up the phone. "Guess I should get ready." I got out of my bed and looked for something to wear. As I looked in my closet, I stared at my Toman jacket. "It's really been almost two weeks since the disbandment, huh?" I thought as I found something to wear. Once I was ready, I grabbed my keys and left the apartment. I opted out on taking my motorcycle since we were just going to meet up at the park that was close to my apartment.

"Big sis!" the two girls exclaimed as they ran over to me when they saw me walk into the park. They each gave me a hug and I hugged them back.

"How have you two been?"

"We've been good" Luna answered for them.

"What about you, Big Sis?" Mana asked me.

I hesitated for a split second on what to tell them. "I've been okay." I gave them a smile just in case they wanted to further questioned about me being just okay. "So where's your brother?"

"He's on he's way" Mana said.

"Yeah. Our big brother is a slow runner so we left him behind" Luna commented.

"They were that excited to me?" I thought as I looked up to see Mitsuya now entering the park. "What took so long, slowpoke?" I teased.

Mitsuya let out a sigh as he walked over to me. "They got a head start on me" he replied. I laughed a bit.

"Well, since we're all here at the park, we might as well start playing" I said.

"Okay!" Luna and Mana said in unison as they grabbed my hand. They lead me over to the playground that was in the park.

Mitsuya just stood there as he's sister took me away. "I guess I should join them." He walked over to the playground and joined the three of us.

"This brings back memories, doesn't it?" Mitsuya asked as he walked passed me and sat in the other swing since I was sitting in one. I was just watching Mitsuya's sisters have fun on the playground after I told them that I was going to sit down for a while.

"Huh?" I turned to looked at him.

"That night I found you crying in that same swing" he explained.

The memories of that night came back to me. "Oh, yeah. You did find me here after my fight with Amaya." I still find myself calling Amaya her first name even after she told me she was my actual mother and not that other woman. "And then you took me to your place and we cooked dinner together."

"Yeah." Mitsuya paused for a moment. "Remember when Luna asked if you were my girlfriend?"

I felt a small amount of heat rise to my face and I looked at the ground. Of course I remember that. She really caught me off guard with that question. "...yeah."

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