The Girl and Her New Co-captain

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After the night Amaya and I had our talk, things seemed to have gone back to normal. Well that's what I thought, until a certain individual arrived at my place one day, wanting to take me out to a diner.

"Did he just ask me out on a date?" I thought as I got on the back of Mikey's motorcycle. "No way, this is Mikey we're talking about here."

"What did you say, (M/n)-chi?" Mikey asked as he started the engine.

"It's nothing" I lied. Mikey shrugged his shoulders and started to drive towards the direction of the diner.

We made it to the diner and got a table by a window. We then told the waiter what we wanted and I stared at Mikey. "So why did you bring me here, Mikey?"

"I wanted to talk to you about the new members that just join."

"Oh, those Valhalla assholes." The waiter sat down a chocolate parfait in front of Mikey and placed (insert favorite dessert here) in front me. I thanked him and he left. "So, what about those guys."

"I was thinking about adding them to one of the divisions we have." Mikey grabbed his spoon and started to eat the parfait. He even offered me some of it but I declined.

"Okay" I took a bite of the dessert I had. "Who's division did you plan on adding them to?"


I almost spat out my food at what he just said. "Say what now?" I blinked at him a couple of times.

"Hanma and the rest of Valhalla will be joining your division."

"But why." I was not into the idea of those guys joining my division.

"Well, I didn't fell like creating a whole new division and you're division is the only one with the fewest members in it."

"I think that's a bullshit reason, Mikey."

"It doesn't matter what you think, (M/n)-chi. I'm the commander of Toman and what I say goes."

He had a point there.

"Do you hate me or something?" I asked him.

"No. I would never hate you."

"Well it sounds like you do because you're adding those jerks to my division."

Mikey let out a sigh. He somewhat knew I would react like this, but he thought I would have just accepted what's about to happen. "It's not going to be that bad, (M/n)-chi."

"Ah, yeah it is. Do you think those guys would listen to me?"

"No. And that's why I decided to have Hanma be your co-captain."

I stood up from the table and walked to the door. I was not having any of this and I left the diner. "(M/n)-chi!" Mikey called for me but I ignored him. He let out another sigh and continued to eat his parfait along with what was left of my dessert. "I should have invited Kenny(Ken-chin) too."


I was currently standing on the steps in front of the shrine with Hanma next to me. I hated every moment of it and he could tell since he had a huge smirk on his face.

"Alright, this meeting will begin!" Draken announced.

Mikey made his way in front Hanma and I. "This meeting will be about what division our new members will be under and who will be their captain." Mikey looked in my direction and ushered me to stand next to him. "The sixth division will be the division Valhalla falls under."

"Why though" I thought.

"The sixth division will also have a new captain joining them." That was Hanma's cue to stand next to me. "Shuji Hanma will be the co-captain of the sixth division."

"Can't wait to get into some crazy shit with you, (Y/n) <3" Hanma whispered to me.

"Fuck off" I whispered back and Mikey ended the meeting. "Did we really need a meeting for this?" I asked Draken as I made my way down the steps and towards my division.

"Well, we did just get 300 new members. So I guess a meeting was in order to address where those members would be placed" he explained and I let out a sigh.

"Could have shoved them in Mitsuya's division. Hell even that four eyed bastard could have taken them in."

"Are you talking about Kisaki?"

"Who else where's glasses in Toman, Draken?"

"Don't get mad at me because of Mikey's decision. You take that up with him."

"I did and it failed."

"Well then, you have no choice but to deal with it."

I let out a sigh. "Yeah."

Just as Draken and I finished talking, Hanma walked over to us. "Oh great, here comes my co-captain" I sighed. "What do you want, Hanma?"

"Nothing" he replied.

"Then why are you over here?"

"Well isn't this my division too?"

"Yes and no. These are my guys" I pointed at the group of dudes that were standing off to the side talking to one another. "And those are your guys" I continued and pointed at the group of Valhalla dudes that were staring at me. "What the hell are you guys looking at?!"

I could hear Hanma chuckle. "You know, (Y/n)..."

"It's (M/n) when we're dealing with meetings and other gang related stuff" I corrected him.

"(M/n)" he held up quotation marks when he said that. "You're leaving a bad impression on your new members."

"Oh? My bad" I faked apologize and turned my attention to the Valhalla guys. I put on a fake smile. "I can't wait to work with you" I said sarcastically.

"Okay, that's enough, (M/n)-chi" Draken said putting a hand on my shoulder.


"Hey, (M/n)-chi" I heard Mitsuya's voice say from behind us.

"Hey, Takashi." I was surprised he called me (M/n) instead of (Y/n) for once.

"Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah." The two of us left Draken and Hanma in order to go somewhere else to talk.

"So, Draken. What's going with those two?" Hanma asked out of nowhere.

"Why do you care?"

"I was just wondering" Hanma said as he looked over at Mikey who was currently watching Mitsuya and I talk. "Interesting" he thought.

The reason Mitsuya wanted to talk to me was because he wanted to know how everything went with Amaya, since I didn't really tell him what happened after he took me home. I told him that we talked and that everything returned to normal. I also decided not to talk about how the fact that Amaya is my actual birth mom. That's a story that could wait for another day.

"So you're not quitting Toman?" Mitsuya asked.

"No. But I did consider it when Mikey told me that Hanma was joining my division." Mitsuya laughed. "I was dead serious, Takashi." He continued to laugh. "I will punch you if you don't stop laughing." I held up my fist.

"Okay, okay" he said and stopped laughing.

"Good." I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. "Anyways, I should get going. I'll talk to you later." I waved him bye and got ready to walk to where my motorcycle was parked. Before I could actually leave, I heard Mikey call my name.

"(M/n)-chi!" I turned to look behind me and saw he was standing behind me.

"Oh, hi, Mikey."

"Are you still mad at me about my decision?"

"No, I told myself I just have to deal with it."


"Did you want anything else?"

"Yeah." He held his arms out. "It's been a while since I've gotten a hug from you."

"That is true." I got closer to him and hugged him. We stayed like that for a couple of seconds until I let him go. "I need to get going. See ya later, Mikey." I made my way down the stairs and Mikey waved me bye.

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