The Girl and Tenjiku part 3

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I was on the couch with Takimaru when I got a phone call from Emma. "Hello?"

"(Y/n), do you want to have a sleepover tonight?"

"Sure. Should I bring some snacks?"

"Of course, make sure you bring those one sweets."


We talked for about another minute or two and I finally hanged up the phone. I sat further back into the couch and let out a deep sigh. I was thinking that this was a much needed girl's time, since there was a gang fight going to happen soon. "For some reason, I feel more anxious about this fight more than I felt with the Valhalla one" I thought. "Maybe because the gang we're fighting was trying to recruit me?"

"(Y/n), if you're going over to Emma's, take these homemade cookies" I heard Amaya say from the kitchen.


"And make sure all the cookies get there this time" she warned me and I gulped. "Yeah, I know you helped yourself to a few of them last time."

"I couldn't help myself." I put Takimaru down on the couch and stretched. I then went into my bedroom and gather a few things to take over to Emma's. "I already have a spare pair of pajamas over there, so all I really need to take are the sweets, a pair of clothes to change into, and the cookies Amaya made" I told myself. I was currently staring at myself in the mirror. I could see that blonde streak I gave myself appearing every now and then. "My hair's starting to get longer." I grabbed a piece and stared at it in the mirror. Normally at this point, I would have it cut to a short/medium length, but as of right now, I plan on keeping the length it's at. "As long as it doesn't get super long, then I'm okay."

I left my room and went back downstairs. I debated if I wanted to go over to Emma's now or wait till later on. "I guess I should go now and spend as much time I can with her before Mikey gets to me" I thought. I spotted my white bomber jacket which was hanging up on the coat rack. I walked over to it and put it on. "I think my keys are in here somewhere." I stuck my hand in my jacket pocket and fished around for my keys. "Bingo." I pulled them out and told Amaya and Takimaru bye.

As I walked over to my bike, thoughts about Kisaki trying to get me to join Tenjiku kept popping into my mind. "Knowing him, he would have just killed me off once he was done using me." It got me to start thinking about Baji and Kazutora. "Now's not the time to think about this, (Y/n)." I shook my head and started to back out, driving towards Emma's and Mikey's place.

It didn't take me long to arrive at their house. "I can already see Emma waiting for me" I thought as I drove a bit closer and found a spot to park my bike. "How did you know I was going to show up so soon?" I asked Emma as I got off my bike and walked over to her.

"I just had a feeling you would" she told me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and gave her the cookies Amaya made. "You didn't eat any like you did last time, right?" Emma looked at me.

"Of course I didn't." I crossed my arms and looked away from her. "Anyways, we should hurry up and go to your room before Mikey shows up."

"Why?" She then let out a gasp. "Don't tell me you finally realize you have feelings for Mikey, (Y/n)?"

"No. I'm saying that if you want to spend as much time with me as possible, we should hurry and got to your room before he spots me."

"Oh. I get it now."

"Yeah. It's like he has a sixth sense that lets him know I'm around sometimes" I sighed. I could hear Emma start to giggle. I rolled my eyes and followed her into the house and straight to her room once I said my greetings to grandpa Sano. "Oh wow, I see you got more pictures in here now" I looked around her room. "That reminds me, I need to get some pictures develop and hang them up soon." I kept staring at the pictures until I came across one with just her and Draken. This made me have a huge grin on my face and she noticed it.

"What are you grinning about?" she asked as she walked over to me. She looked around the wall of photos and saw what could have possibly made me grin like that. "Just so you know, it took forever just to get him to take the photo with me."

"At least you still got a nice photo out of it."

Emma now had a smile on her face as she kept staring at the photo. "Yeah."


Emma and I got to spend a few hours together until Mikey showed up and made me spend some time with him. Of course I reminded him that I came over to spend time with Emma but he wasn't really listening. I eventually gave up and just spent time with him, which mostly consisted of the two of us watching movies.

"I'm kind of sleepy now" I yawned as I stood up and stretched. I looked to my right and saw that Mikey had already fell asleep on the couch next to me. "No wonder it's been so quiet for awhile now" I thought as I squatted down and looked at his face. I couldn't help but poke his cheek a couple of times. "This is for sleeping when we were suppose to be hanging out together." I heard him mumble out a 'I'm sorry, (M/n)-chi' and I stood back up. "Well, I'm going to go back to Emma's room now, Mikey." I walked over to the door. I looked back and told him good night as I left his room.

The next morning, I woke up to see that Emma was already awake. "Good morning" I yawned.

"Good morning, (Y/n)." Emma was already dress for the day and was getting ready to start cooking breakfast. "I'm pretty sure by the time your fully wake up, breakfast will all ready be done."

"Need some help?" I asked letting out another yawn. She shook her head no. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Emma left her room and went into the kitchen to start getting ready to cook breakfast for everyone.

I let out another yawn for the third time already and got out of Emma's bed. I gather my clothes I had brought with me so I could change into them and went to the bathroom. Once I was done changing, I joined grandpa Sano at the table. "Good morning" I greeted.

"Good morning, (Y/n)" he greeted back and turned the page of the newspaper he was reading.

"Next time we have a sleepover, we're having it at my place" I thought as Emma severed me my breakfast.

"Grandpa, wake Mikey up" Emma said as she was cutting something.

A little while later, Mikey finally showed up. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at his appearance as he said good morning to everyone and sat down at the table across from me. He was somewhat complaining about the fact Emma didn't fix his eggs the way he wanted and she told him he could do it himself.

"I wish I had a sibling sometimes" I thought as I watched the two of them interact with one another.

We could hear the sound of someone outside followed by a voice. "Mikey I'm here!" It was Draken and he brought Takemichi with him. Mikey told them to wait in his room while he finished the rest of his breakfast.

"You should probably wait in my room too, (M/n)-chi." Mikey looked at me. At first I didn't understand what he meant. But I then made an 'oh' face and came up with the conclusion that this had something to do with the whole Tenjiku business thing.


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