The "Boy's" First Sleepover With Friends

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"(Y/n)! Do you have any idea how late it is?!" Amaya exclaimed as I walked into the apartment.

"I'm sorry, I was hanging out with my new friends" I walked past her and went straight to the fridge. I opened it and grabbed a snack in there.

"New friends?" I walked to the couch, sat down and started to eat my snack.


" finally found some friends?" Overjoyed Amaya walked over to me and hugged me.

"Ah! Let go!"

"I'm so happy!"

"Okay, okay. Just let me go!" I wiggled out of her arms and ran to the other side of the room.

"You should invite them over one day so I can meet them" she suggested.

"I'll think about." I let out a yawn and walked up the stairs, making a right and entering my bedroom. I got out of the clothes I was wearing and changed into my pajamas. I then crawled into my bed and closed my eyes, falling asleep. Amaya walked into the room and saw I had a smile on my face as I was sleeping. She smiled to herself and left my room.

"I'll scold her later about coming home late" she thought.

About a month or so later, I got really close to Mikey and the others to the point I would consider them all my best friends. We did a lot together, like hangout, play games, and of course getting into fights.

The thought of someone having your back and being there for you was a nice feeling I felt. I felt safe around them. But I still couldn't bring myself to tell them the truth. Why would I when I just met them? I don't want to risk the possibility of them not wanting to be friends with me anymore.

"Come on guys, let's go to my place today!" I suggested.

"Sure" Mikey agreed.

"Does your parents know that we're coming over?" Mitsuya asked and I froze.

"My...parents?" I asked.

"Yeah. Shouldn't you have told them that we were coming over?" he asked.

"It's fine, just come on." I grabbed his hand along with Mikey's and started running.

"Is it just me or did (M/n) seemed strange to you?" Kazutora asked.

"I don't know, he looked the same to me" Pah replied.

"He did seem a little strange" Baji said.

"Whatever it is, we shouldn't bring it up if he doesn't want to talk about it" Draken said. They all agreed and started running after us.


"I'm home!" I slammed open the door and walked in. Takimaru meowed at me and I picked him up.

"Ah (Y/n)" Amaya started but stopped mid sentence when she notice the group of boys behind me. I glared at her because said said my actually name just now. "You brought over some friends, how wonderful." It seemed that the guys didn't really pay attention to the name she just used.

"Yeah." I started walking towards the stairs that lead upstairs. "Come on guys, I have video games in my room." The guys and me headed upstairs.

"Her friends are a group of boys?" Amaya said to herself. "This can't be good."

"Wow, you got a pretty big room here (M/n)-chi" Draken said as he sat on my bed. The others followed suit. I put Takimaru down on the ground and he sniffed each one of the guys. He was a very friendly cat and even decided to jump into to Baji's lap.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now