The "Boy" Resigns?

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A day or two passed after the events that transpired on August third. I didn't really leave my place that much after that night and have been ignoring all sorts of calls and text I got from any of the guys. I even had Amaya lie to them saying I was sick so they wouldn't come into the apartment to visit me.

"You can't keep avoiding them forever, (Y/n)" Amaya said as she watched me place something into a gift bag. "You need to talk to them."

Amaya had me explain everything that happen at the festival. Of course she was upset that I got injured during that fight and went to the hospital for it. But out of everything I told her about, she was more concerned about how I was dealing with the possibility of everyone in Toman knowing my secret, especially Mikey.

"She didn't really tell them exactly that she was a girl because of how vague she was telling them" Amaya thought as I walked over to the door. "(Y/n)."

"Don't worry, Amaya. I know how I'm going to deal with all of this" and with that I left the apartment and got on my motorcycle. "I don't really want to ask one of the guys for a ride" I thought as I backed out of the parking space. I took a deep breath and started to drive towards the hospital. "I'll pay Draken a visit first before I deal with that."

I arrived at the hospital and told the person behind the counter that I was here visit someone. They told me the room Draken was in and I went straight towards that room. "Knowing Mikey, he's probably here" I thought as I stood outside the room. I debated on what I was going to say or do if Mikey was in there with Draken. "I'll still go with what I originally planned to do" I said to myself as I made sure the gift bag I had still had its contents inside. I then opened the door and walked into the room. If there was other patients in the room, their curtains were currently closed. The only curtain that was open was Draken's.

Draken heard someone approach his bed and he looked over to me. "Oh, hey there (Y/n)-chi" he greeted me as I stood next to his bed. He looked down at the bag I had with me. "So I heard you got injured during the fight?"


"Sorry about that."

"You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault." I looked around the room. I didn't know if Draken knew my secret because one of the guys told him or not. All I knew was that I wasn't going to be the one to bring it up first. "So, how are you feeling?"

"I feel great."

"Good." I looked at the bag I had. "Did Mikey come to visit you?"

"Yeah. He's up on the roof right now."

I didn't know what else to say and thought things were starting to get awkward. I made an attempt to come up with something about why (M/n) wasn't there during the fight. "So about (M/n)" I started. "He said he's sorry that he wasn't there that night."

"What are you talking about, (Y/n)? (M/n)-chi was there."

"Huh?" Draken looked straight into my eyes. "No, he wasn't."

"He was." He pointed at me. "You were there that night, (M/n)-chi."

I stared at him. I knew it was pointless to try to keep lying about all of this. "Mikey told you, didn't he?"

He shook his head. "You know, I thought that hit I took to the head made me think I saw you there instead of your sister" he started. "But then I started to put certain things together and figured out that you and your so called sister are the same person." I stepped back way from the bed. "Why'd you keep it a secret that you were a girl from us?"

"You wouldn't understand." I turned my back on him and walked to the door, letting myself out. I then made my way to the roof. "Draken said Mikey was up here." I opened the door to the roof and spotted Mikey laying on top of something. I didn't bother to say anything to him and just walked over to where he was laying.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now