The Girl Hangs Out With Takemichi & Senju

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The next day I told Amaya that I would be hanging out with Takemichi and a new friend. Of course she bombarded me with questions about this new friend I made and I didn't really know what to tell her. Hell I didn't even know if I considered Senju a friend or not. We barely met yesterday and right off the bat she wanted me to join her gang. "Reminds me of the time Mikey asked me to join Toman" I thought. Thinking that made me sad a bit and I shook my head, trying to clear those sad thoughts. "Well if I think of the bright side, I might make another friend that's a girl besides Hina and Yuzuha." I then made myself sad again thinking about Emma. "Damn it me!"

"You okay there, (Y/n)?" I heard Takemichi ask me and I looked to my right.

"Yeah." I noticed he was still in his school uniform. "Oh yeah, he's a year younger than me" I thought.

"Sorry to keep you two waiting!" a voice said from our left. "Let's go."

"Huh? Who are you?" Takemichi asked.

"Hey, that's kinda rude! It's me, Senju!" Senju told him.

"You're a girl?!"

"I thought that was obvious, Takemitchy" I pulled out my phone and saw I got a text from Mitsuya. I texted him back because he wanted to see if I wanted to go look at some more rooms/apartments today. I told him maybe tomorrow since I was hanging out with Takemichi right now.

"You knew this, (Y/n)?" Takemichi asked me as I walked over to Senju. I nodded my head yes. "You could have told me!"

"Sheesh, you're so noisy" Senju said as the two of us started to walk. "Are you saying I look like a guy?"

"No, it's just that you're Brahman's top, right?"

"Yes and if you got no problem with that, lets go."

Takemichi still couldn't believe that one of the three deities was a girl even though she was walking right next to him. "This reminds when the guys found out I was a girl all along" I thought as I just listened to Takemichi and Senju talk to one another. "But I don't think any of them had a reaction like Takemitchy did" I continued to think.

"It's nice having someone my age and another girl join Brahman since it's filled with a bunch of old dudes" Senju said with a smile on her face.

The three of us walked into a shop and Senju went to go try something on. "She reminds me of myself" I told Takemichi as Senju was looking at the shirt she was tried on in a mirror.

"Really? How so?"

"She has a boyish charm to her like I do" I started. "But I'm slowly starting to outgrow that now."

"I see."

"Look how easy I can move around in this" Senju said coming up to us. She was about to kick her leg up but Takemichi stopped her.

"Hold on! Don't do that. Your panties are showing!" he said and I couldn't help but laugh.

Senju ended up having us go to all kinds of stores where she would try on a bunch of outfits and buy them. Of course she made Takemichi carry all her bags. Also as she was trying on clothes and buying them, Takemichi had asked her how she knew Akashi, the man from yesterday, since he was a lot older than her. Senju told him that Akashi was actually her older brother. She even told him that Haruchiyo is her second older brother and how he wasn't interested in her or whatever she was doing.

"Sounds like something must have happened between the three of them" I thought as we left the current store and went to one more.

Eventually Senju was satisfied with all the shopping she did and the three of us got ice cream from a vending machine. While looking at what flavor I wanted to get, Takemichi was talking about a flavor called Choco-mint. "I'll just get vanilla for now" I thought as Senju got the flavor ice cream Takemichi was talking about. She ended up liking the flavor and suggested that we should get choco-mint again. "I'll probably pass on that" I mumbled and said bye to Senju.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin