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*The beginning of this is the exact same as Bad End 7 but with a few changes


After Takemichi asked Hina to marry him in 12 years and called Naoto to the park he was in, he shook hands with the boy. He was sure that this time when he went back to the future that everything would be way better than it has been the last few times he time leaped. Once he time leaped, he found himself attending Pah's wedding reception. He was so overwhelmed with joy that everyone was there and alive...well not everyone was there.

As he joined everyone, Draken and Chifuyu thanked him for what he did and told him if it wasn't for him, they wouldn't be alive today. The two updated him with what everyone has been up to. Pah inherited his parents business and Peh was his adviser. Mitsuya was a rookie fashion designer. Hakkai was a successful model and Yuzuha was his manager. The Kawata twins own a ramen shop. Chifuyu owns a pet shop and Kazutora helps him out. (Y/n) has a nursing job. And lastly, Draken and Inui own a bike shop together.

While Takemichi was talking with Naoto, Draken, and Chifuyu, (Y/n) was talking to Hina.

"Well it would make sense for you to catch it" (Y/n) said as she watched Hina hold the bouquet of flowers close to her. "You are getting married in a couple of months after all."

Hina grabbed (Y/n)'s hand. "I'm not the only one." She made sure to point out the ring that was on (Y/n)'s finger. "You're getting married too soon."

"Yeah." The woman smiled as she looked over at her soon to be husband. Mitsuya looked back at her and gave her a smile, motioning for her to come over to him. "I'll talk to you later, Hina." (Y/n) walked over to Mitsuya. "Yes?"

"You could have stayed over there and talked to Hina some more before you came over here" he told her.

(Y/n) looked at Takemichi and Hina. She realize that the two should have that time together, since Takemichi just came back from the past. "Hina's been waiting a long time for that Takemichi to come back, so I don't want to bother them" she thought. (Y/n) was still a little bit skeptical about the whole Takemichi being able to time leap.

"Hello? Are you still there, (Y/n)?" Mitsuya waved his hand in front of her face and she snapped out of her thoughts. "What's on your mind?"

"Just thinking about how my soon to be husband is going to make me a lovely dress to wear" she somewhat lied.

"That's right, but I still need to work on Hina's."

"Well I just so happen to have a couple days off from my job, so I can help with anything you might need." Mitsuya got closer to (Y/n) and kissed her on the cheek. She felt heat rush to her face.

"You still react like that even after all these years?" Mitsuya teased her.

"Not all the time, Takashi!" Mitsuya started laughing at her.


"So pretty" she said out loud as she couldn't take her eyes off of the wedding dress Mitsuya was making for Hina. (Y/n) walked over to the couch that was in the small office space and sat down. "Isn't Takemichi suppose to be here soon?" she asked as she watched Mitsuya write something down.

Speaking of the devil, a knock was heard on the door and Mitsuya told the person to come in. The person was of course Takemichi and he helped himself to sitting on a stool that was in the room. "I didn't know you were going to be here, (Y/n)?"

"I try to help Takashi whenever I get some days off from my job" she replied. "Oh yeah, we still need to plan that dinner thing with my mom in the next few months." That last part was directed towards Mitsuya.

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