The Girl and Tenjiku part 4

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After Mikey and I finished eating breakfast, we went to his room where Draken and Takemichi was waiting for us at. I went ahead and sat on the couch while Mikey sat a few inches away from me. He was having Draken help him with his hair as he talked about meeting Izana the other day.

"He was Black Dragon's 8th captain and now Tenjiku's" Draken started. "Maybe he has a connection to Shinichiro-kun."

"Huh?" Takemichi asked as Mikey sat in silence.

Draken went on to tell Takemichi about Shinichiro and how he was the founder of the Black Dragons. "Interesting, I did not know that about him" I thought as I sat back and kept listening to their conversation. I didn't necessarily have anything to add to this so it made me wonder why Mikey told me to join him, Draken, and Takemichi in his room.

"So the person who corrupted Black Dragon was the 8th captain, Izana Kurokawa" Draken concluded as we heard the door to Mikey's room open and Emma walked in with some tea for us to drink.

"Izana Kurokawa, just who the hell is he?" Takemichi asked as Emma sat the cups of tea down.

"My brother" Emma answered.

Draken, Mikey, Takemichi, and I all stared at Emma confused about what she just said. "Who?" Mikey asked.

"Like I said, he's my brother" she said again. "Come on Mikey! I told you so many times because he's also your half-brother!"

"You had another brother and you never told me!" I exclaimed. "I thought we told each other everything."

(Well then again I can't blame her since I'm still keeping the fact that I met Shinichiro years ago from her and Mikey.)

"Do you remember anything else about him?" Takemichi asked.

"Not really. I was only with him until I was three."

"I see."

"Ah but he seemed really close with big bro Shinichiro!"

"...with Shinichiro?" Mikey asked.

"Huh? Why is Shinichiro-kun and Izana Kurokawa..." Draken started.

Emma suddenly got up and went over to the door. "Wait here, alright?" And with that, Emma left for a couple of minutes. She later came back with a tin box, sitting in on the floor. "Ta-dah!"

"What's this?" Draken asked her.

"A memento from big bro Shin. Found them while I was clearing his belongings."

We were now all sitting on the floor looking at the stack of letters that was in the box. All the letters that was in the box were all from Izana. "There's so many of them" I thought as I read over one of the letters.

"I never read them but just look at the amount of those letters! I'm pretty sure they get along well" Emma said.

"Get along you say. This shit is creepy" Draken commented.

For the most part, the letters were just about what happened in Izana's daily life and him telling Shinichiro about it. As we kept looking through the letters, Draken found the first one that Izana sent to Shinichiro while Mikey suddenly got up after reading one of the other letters. He told us that he was going to get some fresh air and left outside.

"What's up with him?" Takemichi asked as Draken looked over at the letter Mikey just read. He picked it up and read it out loud. The letter was about Izana telling Shinichiro how he's been having headaches lately and it was Mikey's fault, so he told him to stop talking about him.

After Draken read that letter, we all came to the conclusion that Izana was jealous of Mikey because of the fact he got to live with his family while Izana was separated from them.

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