The "Boy" Meets A Motorbike Shop Owner

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August 9th 2003

Amaya and I were walking down a street in Tokyo. We were out shopping. Well more like Amaya was out shopping for me. I only tagged along because she promised me we could eat out tonight. "I think that outfit would look cute on you (Y/n)" Amaya pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah." I kept walking down the sidewalk. I passed a shop but quickly backtracked. I attached myself to the window and stared at the bike in the window. "That bike looks so badass."

"So you like motorbikes?" a voiced asked. I turned to my left and saw a tall black haired guy. His eyes kind of reminded me of Mikey's for some reason.

"Kind of."

"Wanna come inside and look around my shop?" I nodded my head and followed the man. "So what models are you interested in?"


"Yeah, like what type of motorcycles do you like?" He started listed off a bunch of names and numbers.

"I don't really know much about them but my friends like them."

"I see."

"Yeah, I'm kind of scared of riding one on my own" I admitted. I paused for a moment and looked up at the guy. "Why did I tell a stranger that?" I thought.

"Well, you can always drive a moped to get around on" he started. "They aren't that fast but I think you might have a better time driving one." He told me to follow him to where there were a few mopeds lined up. "My brother has one but his friends tease him about how slow he is" the man joked.


"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" I heard Amaya call my name.

"In here!" I stuck my head out of the shop's door. She came up to me.

"Why did you run off on your own?"

"I saw this cool looking bike in the window." I pointed at the bike that was on display in the window.

"Oh yeah, you did tell me your friends ride motorcycles."

"So ma'am, is this your son?" the man asked.

"She's my daughter actually" Amaya replied.

"Adopted daughter" I corrected.

"Oops, my bad. I didn't mean to call you a boy" the man apologized.

"You don't have to say sorry, people think I'm a boy anyways and I'm okay with it."

The man stared at me. He thought that I kind of look like the description of the boy that his younger brother recently became friends with. "Roughly around the same height as Mikey, short/medium (h/c) hair" he said to himself. "Could this be (M/n) that Mikey's been telling me about?" Shinichiro thought to himself. "But why is she going around saying she's a boy" he continued to think.

"I'm sorry sir, but can I ask you about the bike on display over there?" Amaya snapped Shinichiro out of his train of thought.

"Oh that one? Sorry ma'am but that bike's not for sell" he told her. "It's actually a birthday gift for my younger brother."

"I see. I'm sorry for asking about it" Amaya apologized.

"Oh, you don't need to apologize" he replied.

I sighed as the two of them went back and forth with trying to apologize.

"Lame." I thought and walked over to look at some other bikes in the shop.

Sometime had passed and Amaya told me we should get ready to leave. I nodded my head and followed her to the door of the store, getting ready to walk out. Before I could actually leave, the man called out to me. "So your name's (Y/n), right?"

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now