The Girl, Toman, and Valhalla

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"Man, why did I have to get groceries" I complained as I walked down the street. "Amaya could have done this."

"Yo, (M/n)-chi." I heard a voice from behind me. I stopped and turned around to see Baji.

"Hey Baji." Baji took some of the bags from me. "What's up?"


The two of us walked in silence until we got to my apartment. "Well, thanks for helping me carry these bags" I thanked.

"No problem." He got ready to leave but stopped. "Hey (M/n)-chi? Did you know that Kazutora's getting ready to leave juvie soon?"

"Really?" I asked him. I haven't seen Kazutora since two years ago. "Is he going to rejoin Toman once he gets out?"

Baji didn't answer the question. "Anyways, tell Amaya-san and Takimaru I said hi" and with that he left.

"Okay, that was weird" I thought as I walked into the apartment, setting the groceries down on the kitchen counter.

A few weeks later passed and some stuff happened with Baji and Toman. Apparently this all had to do with a rumor about Kazutora being apart of Valhalla now after he got out of Juvie. I didn't get much details about everything that went down. But what I do know is that Baji got banned from attending meetings from now on.

"So Kazutora's apart of Valhalla, huh?" I thought as I laid on my back, looking up at the ceiling.


A few days later, Mikey tried to get me to come to the bathhouse with him, Draken, and Takemichi. I told him no like I have many times before in the past. He eventually gave up and just told me to meet them at the bathhouse at a certain time. "He told me there was going to be a meeting tonight" I thought as I stared at my keys to my motorcycle. I debated if I was going to drive there or have someone pick me up. "Yep, I'm calling Takashi." I grabbed my phone and called Mitsuya.

Mitsuya agreed to pick me up and I grabbed my Toman jacket from the hanger it was on, leaving my room. "Amaya! I'm heading out!" I exclaimed as I walked down the stairs and towards the front door.

"Okay, be careful" she told me.

I opened the door and walked out. "I'll try to be."

Down below I could see Mitsuya waiting for me. "Come on, (Y/n)!"

"I'm on my way!" I went over to him and got on his motorcycle. "If I knew you were going to rush me, I would have asked Smiley to pick me up."

"I wasn't rushing you" he said as he started to drive.

"Hmph, sure you weren't."

The two of us arrived at the bathhouse that Mikey told us to meet him at. "I see we're the last ones to show up" I saw Smiley and Muto waiting for us.

"Still afraid of riding your bike, (M/n)-chi?" I could hear the teasing tone in Smiley's voice and I glared at him.

"Like I keep telling you guys, I'm saving gas by having one of you take me to places." I got off Mitsuya's bike and stood next to Muto. "So, where's Mikey and them?"

"They should be coming out any minute now" Muto answered.

Just like he said, Mikey, Draken, and Takemichi walked out of the bathhouse.

"So it's finally happening" Mitsuya said.

"Oh, yeah. This meeting is about the new 3rd division captain" I thought as I got back on Mitsuya's bike, driving towards Musashi shrine. "I miss Pah" I said underneath my breath.

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