The Girl Joins Another Gang?! (Final Arc Part 2)

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Somehow, we managed to get Inupi to come back and put the shirt on. "Still gross" I thought as the five of us sat around the table and discuss our next plan of action.

"Now all TW needs is an advisor and someone with some taste!" Takemichi said as Hakkai and Inupi were in agreement.

"I get the advisor part, but what do you mean someone with taste?" Chifuyu asked.

"Um...that..." Takemichi couldn't really tell Chifuyu that his uniform idea sucks to his face, so he avoided answering the question. "Anyways! I got a good idea who we're looking for!" Takemichi stood up. "A person with great style, and is level headed."

"Oh? Are you talking about someone who I hold a lot of respect for?" Hakkai asked.

"Exactly! I want him in our team, no matter what!"

"Oh, they must be talking about Takashi" I thought as I watched the four boys stand up. "I haven't talked to him since that day" I continued to think as I remembered how annoyed he looked with me. "...I don't really want to see him..."

"Huh? Did you say something, (Y/n)?" Takemichi asked as he looked down at me.

"Nope." I stood up. "Let's get going."

The five of us left the shop and went over to Mitsuya's. Once there, Hakkai called out Mitsuya's name. "Taka-chan, let's play!"

"Woah, you're loud" Takemichi pointed out.

"I used to call him out like this back then."

The door we were standing in front of slowly creaked open and Luna shushed Hakkai. "Shhhhh!"

"Luna, where's Taka-chan?" Hakkai asked.

"Big bro is kind of in a pinch right now."

"A pinch?" Takemichi asked.

"Um." Luna began to tell us that Mitsuya was working on entering a competition for rookie designers in a fashion design show. Hakkai then pointed out that Mitsuya hated prizes/rewards which Luna agreed but said that things changed after Draken's passing. Ever since that day, Mitsuya had been shutting himself in his room designing and never comes out to eat. "Mana got scared too..."

"Um, Luna-chan, can I meet Mitsuya?" Takemichi asked.

Luna nodded her head. "Okay." Luna guided Takemichi into the apartment, leaving the rest of us outside.

"I guess that's why he got upset with me that day" I said.

"What Taka-chan got upset with you, (Y/n)?" Hakkai asked.

"Yeah, so I haven't bothered coming over to check on him since then."

"What?! But I thought as Taka's girlfriend, you would check up on him!"

I covered my ears because Hakkai was talking loudly. "Girlfriend? Who said I was his girlfriend?"

"Huh? I thought you two were dating?"


"But you guys were looking for an apartment together."

"That doesn't mean we were dating, Hakkai." I shook my head. I didn't think someone thought Mitsuya and I were dating. I mean there was a time I thought about dating him but I told myself I wanted to focus on school...yeah, that's what I kept telling myself. I knew there was a completely different reason why I didn't date Mitsuya or return the feelings that he had for me. "My feelings would not be so complicated if we were dating" I mumbled to myself.

"Look, they're coming out." Inupi pointed at the apartment door opening. Takemichi and Mitsuya walked out and made they're way to the park that was nearby. "Should we follow them?"

"Yeah, but lets not make it obvious" Chifuyu answered.

Chifuyu, Hakkai, Inupi, and I followed the two and stood nearby a couple of bushes, watching the two of them talk on the swings. "I can barely hear what they're talking about" I thought.

Hakkai let out a gasp when he got a good look at Mitsuya's figure. "Taka-chan, you lost so much weight." He was hiding behind a tree.

"Draken's passing must've taken a toll on him" Chifuyu said as we continued to watch the two.

"Now I feel bad for not checking on him after that day" I commented.

"You're a bad girlfriend, (Y/n)" Hakkai told me.

"I told you we're not dating."

"You two should probably shut up if you don't want them to know we're here" Inupi suggested, making the two of us shut up.

The four of us watched Takemichi and Mitsuya talked for a while until the sun started to set. "Oh, Takashi's leaving" I said as we watched him get up from the swing and leave the park. "I take it that he isn't joining then?"

"Guys." Takemichi stood up and came over to where we were "hiding" at. "Mitsuya will not be joining us." He gave us a smile. "Let's support him on his dreams!"

None of us argue with it since we could somewhat hear what the two were talking about earlier and agreed that we would all show up to support him at the fashion show a week from.


"I don't even know why I even bother trying to get you to give up on being a delinquent" Amaya sighed as she watched me walk down the stairs. "I should have known you would always end up in whatever gang suits your preference since you joined Toman." She was now standing in front of me, looking down at the shirt I was wearing. "Is that the new uniform?"

"Yeah, Chifuyu designed it." I pulled my phone out of my pants pocket to checked the time. "Well I have to get going to meet up with the others." I told her and Takimaru bye and left the apartment.

"It would have been nice if she just stuck with going to college but" Amaya walked over to the couch and sat down. "I'm just glad she's doing whatever makes her happy even though it does hurt her sometimes." Takimaru jumped into her lap and she started petting him. "Isn't that right, Takimaru?" She looked down at him and he meowed at her.

"There's so many people in here" I said as I sat next to Hakkai who sat next to Chifuyu and Takemichi. We had front row seats at the venue the fashion show was at.

"You know this is kind of making me nervous" Takemichi said as he leaned forward in his seat.

"When is it Mitsuya's turn?" Chifuyu asked Hakkai who had a program.

"Let's see."

The announcer began to announce the judges and the entries one by one. It was really amazing to see all the models walk out onto the stage wearing the outfits that was designed by the many different designers. You could tell they put a lot of effort and soul into creating the outfits we saw.

"They're all very beautiful" I commented and got a look from Hakkai. "What? I can still give compliments for the other competitors."


"Whatever, Hakkai."

"Entry number 15, Takashi Mitsuya and his theme, Twin Dragons" the announcer announced.

"Kyaaah! It's Taka-chan's turn!" Hakkai exclaimed as he grabbed onto Chifuyu's shirt, shaking him. "What should we do, Chifuyu?!"

"Shut up!" Chifuyu exclaimed.

"That scream almost sounded like one of my screams" I thought as I watched models show off Mitsuya's design while the announcer talked about it. "Now that is beautiful." I felt like crying as my basis started kicking in. "I hope he wins." I stood up along with everyone else to clap.

"And that marks the end of 2008's national fashion design newcomer awards. We will now announce the winner of this award." The announcer took a pause as he got ready to read the winner's name. "This year's winner is entry number 15, Takashi Mitsuya!!!"

I let out an excited noise and started clapping. Well I wasn't the only one who let out an excited noise. Hakkai did as well but it was a lot louder than mine.

"The stage is yours!" the announcer said as everyone waited for Mitsuya to come out onto the stage.

"Huh?!" I stared at Mitsuya as he stood in front of the mic. "What in the hell? He's wearing a Toman uniform?" I thought as I couldn't take my eyes off of him. 

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