The Girl and The Battle Of The 3 Deities

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I was now driving down the street, swerving between cars. I knew this sort of reckless driving could definitely get me pulled over or into an accident but I didn't care about that at the moment. I had other matters I needed to worry about. "This can't be real, can it?" I asked myself as I kept hearing Senju's voice tell me that Draken's been shot. "Please don't die, Draken." I picked up some more speed and drove straight to amusement park that Senju told where her, Takemichi, and Draken were.

I arrived at the parking lot near the amusement park and got off my bike. I then spotted Takemichi and Senju. "Takemitchy! Senju!" I called their names and Senju was the only one who looked in my direction as I walked over to them. "What happened? How's Draken?"

"About Draken, (Y/n)" Senju started as the sound of multiple footsteps coming towards us could be heard.

"Senju!" Akashi exclaimed as he ran over to his sister. "Is it true they got Draken?!" Senju began to explain what happened. "Shit! How did it get to this?" Akashi had a scowl on his face. "We have to repay Rokuhara Tandai."

While Senju and Akashi were arguing with one another, I went over to Takemichi. "Takemichi?" I called the boy's name but he ignored me and just kept staring at the ground. "I can't blame him since he saw it happened" I thought as I could feel tears slowly build up in my eyes. "Draken..."

"Oi, oi, oi. Getting kinda lively here, eh?" a voice said as we all turned our attention to the large group that was approaching us. "We arrived just in time, didn't we? To Draken's requiem!" The scowl on Akashi's face grew more prominent. "Let's start the Armageddon!"

"Bring it on! Let's settle this here!" Akashi yelled.

The sound of a motorcycle driving towards the area was heard by everyone. We then all looked in the direction the sound was coming from and saw who was driving said motorcycle.

"Mikey?" I just like everyone else stared at him as he stared back. He wasn't alone, he had the Kantou Manji gang behind him.

"No...Mikey, you can't fight here now" Takemichi said.

"This fight is for Draken!" Akashi yelled as all of Brahman was in agreement.

"Let's begin the war of 3 deities!" South exclaimed.

"Kill everybody!!" Haruchiyo shouted.

The biggest gang fight to ever take place during my time began and I just stood there staring at Mikey. I found it funny how I talked about wanting to hit him before, now look at me, standing here with tears in my eyes. "Here's right there, (Y/n)" I thought as I watched Mikey look over at Koko. "He really has changed, hasn't he?" I mumbled as I wiped some tears from my eyes. 

Instead of fighting, I stood there and watch Akashi go after South only to be stopped by two other members of Brahman. Those two members, according to Senju, were known as Keizou Arashi(Benkei) and Wakasa Imaushi(Waka). They used to be feared back in the day and fought against each other until one day Shinichiro united the two, forming the Black Dragons. Now those two were taking on South and seemed to have the upper hand...well that's what it seemed like at first until South annihilated the two of them.

"That guy is a monster" I stood there was I watched Senju make her way over to South. She had planned on taking him on. "If I was the same person I was two years ago, I would have loved to go over there and try my hand at fighting South" I thought as the rest of my tears finally stopped. I was still hurt about Draken's death but I think I was done with my crying for now.

"I'll deal with you myself" Senju told South as he grinned at her.


"Stop it, Senju!" Akashi yelled. "It's too early for you to take on South! The three of us can handle this fight!"

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