The "Boy's" First Birthday With Friends

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"Yo! (M/n)" I turned around to see Baji. He was accompanied by another boy with blonde hair. The sides of his head was shaved and you can see where is natural hair color was growing.

"Sup Baji." I held my fist out to him and he gave me a fist bump. "Who's that?" I pointed at the boy. He gave me a dirty look. "You trying to fight me punk?" I rolled up my sleeves since I was wearing a sweatshirt due to the cold weather.


I walked over to him but Baji stopped me. "Chill man, Chifuyu's a cool guy."

"Cool guy my ass! He gave me a dirty look."

"I only gave you that look because I wasn't expecting the rumored 'Demon' to wear a sweatshirt with a cat pouched attached to it" Chifuyu scoffed.

"Hey! My cat Takimaru likes sleeping in there sometimes!" Chifuyu and I continued to argue.

Annoyed, Baji yelled at the two of us. "Will you two shut the hell up already!" Chifuyu and I stopped fighting. "I didn't bring you over here to argue with (M/n)-chi, Chifuyu" Baji started. "I wanted you to see the cat he saved a while ago." Baji started walking up the stairs that lead to my apartment. He was about to grabbed the handle when Amaya opened the door.

"Oh? Hello there Baji-kun" she greeted.

"Hey Amaya-san."

"Feel free to make yourself at home" she smiled at him. He nodded his head.

"Meow." Takimaru was by the door and Baji picked him up, walking inside the apartment.

"You should come in to (M/n) along with your other little friend!" Amaya called from upstairs.

"Okay!" I walked over to the stairs. "I swear, Baji only comes over to my place for Takimaru" I sighed. Before I walked up the stairs, I turned back to look at Chifuyu. "You coming or what?"

Chifuyu stood there with a confused look on his face for awhile but shook his head. He then followed me inside the apartment and introduced himself to Amaya.

"So you beat up a group of older kids while Takimaru was in your shirt?" Chifuyu asked as he now held Takimaru in his arms. "How'd you do that without him falling out?"

"Magic" I joked.

"No seriously, how'd you do it?" Chifuyu stared at me and I thought of some lie. I couldn't tell him that my breast were the reason he was able to stay inside my shirt.

"My pecs" I lied. Baji gave me a look. "That's right, I work out every now and then." That wasn't a complete lie.

"I see." Chifuyu was now playing with Takimaru's toe beans.

"So you like cats too Chifuyu?" I asked trying to start a new conversation.

"Yeah, I like pretty much all animals" he replied. "Just like Baji-san."

"That's awesome we all share that in common" I smiled. I already knew about Baji and his love of animals. It was also very obvious he likes cats because of how much time he spends with Takimaru whenever he comes over to hangout.

"Hmph, I guess." Baji reached his hands out to take Takimaru from Chifuyu. "(Y/n)-chi, I'll probably end up taking Takimaru from you one day."

"Like hell you would!" I reached out to get my cat back from him. "That's my fur baby!"

"Your fur baby?" Chifuyu asked as he watched Baji keep Takimaru away from me.

"That's right."

Takimaru had no problem with being fussed about. He knew he was loved and safe with us.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now