The Girl And Her Friends

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After my so called resignation failing, everything seemed to return to normal. Still somewhat hestiant about how the others thought of me, I decided to spend some time with a few of the Toman members just to see how they will act around me now...

The Girl, Baji, and Chifuyu

A knock was heard on my door and Amaya went to go answer it. Me on the other hand was petting Takimaru and watching Tv. "Look (Y/n). Baji and Chifuyu came to visit" I heard Amaya say as she let the two in the apartment. The minute Baji got closer to the couch I was sitting on, Takimaru jumped out of my arms and ran straight to Baji. He sat in front of him and stared up at him.

"Hey there, Takimaru" Baji leaned down and picked him up. He then looked at me. "Oh, hey (M/n)-chi."

"Usually when you go over to someone's place, you greet them first. Not their cat" I sighed as I got off the couch to go greet the two of them.

"At least I still said hey" Baji said.

"Same as always." I looked at Chifuyu now. "Is there something wrong, Chifuyu?"

He shook his head. "Well kind of. I'm still trying to get used to the fact you're a girl (M/n)-chi."

I playfully punched him. "Look, I'm still the same person."

"Yeah, I know."

It took the three of us no time to start playing around with Takimaru. We decided to see who he would come to first whenever we all called him. "See!" I held Takimaru in my arms. "Even though he cheats on me with Baji every now and then, he still knows I'm his favorite human." Takimaru meowed at me.

"He only went to you because he felt bad for you" Baji commented. "Besides, we know I'm his favorite."

"I'm not letting you steal my cat, Baji!" Baji and I started to fight over Takimaru while Chifuyu just sat there and watched us. He started laughing and remembered that this was similar to something that happened when the two of us first met.

Suddenly he remembered what I told him and Baji about how I kept Takimaru in my shirt when I was fighting those guys. "Wait a minute, (M/n)-chi" I turned to look Chifuyu and let Takimaru go.

"What?" I asked him.

"So when you told us that your pecs were the reason you were able to keep Takimaru in your shirt, that meant" I quickly cut him off.

"So, you guys want something to eat?" I stood up and stretched. "I'll go see if Amaya can cook us something." I quickly left my room and went downstairs.

"What was that about?" Baji asked.

Chifuyu thought to himself that he would keep quiet about the whole pecs thing. He didn't feel like getting punched by me anytime soon. "I don't know." Chifuyu stood up and got ready to leave my room. "Let's get something to eat, Baji."

The Girl, Mitsuya, and Hakkai

I had Mitsuya come and pick me up so him, Hakkai, and I could hangout. "Thanks for the ride, Takashi" I thanked him as he drove towards a park that was near his house.

"No problem, (Y/n)."

"I see you have no problems calling me (Y/n)."

"Well you did say we could call you either name" he started and took a left turn. "So I'm going to call you (Y/n) whenever I can." I heard him start to chuckle and I sighed. I knew he had a grin on his face.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now