The Girl and Her Last Toman Meeting

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I put on a black blazer over the black dress I had on. I then went over to my bed and kissed Takimaru on his forehead. "I'm sorry you had to deal with me for the past couple of days." Takimaru opened his eyes and got up, stretching his body. He then sat down and meowed at me. "I'll take that as a your welcome" I joked and pet him. He let out another meow and curled back up into a ball, falling back to sleep.

"(Y/n)" I heard Amaya call my name and I left my room. "Are you ready?"

I nodded my head and took a deep breath. "Yeah."

Amaya drove me to Emma's funeral and dropped me off. "I'll pay my respects later" she told me as I got out of the car. "Call me, so I can bring you home."

"Okay." I watched her drive off as I spotted Mitsuya and Peh. I walked over to the two and they greeted me.

"(Y/n)" Mitsuya started.

"I'm fine, I'm more worried about Mikey and Draken" I said and walked past them.

...of course I wasn't fine. I sat there during the service with tears in my eyes. I knew I was going to cry regardless of how much I cried in the past couple of days. "I knew I would just end up crying even more here" I thought as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

I watched Draken sit in front of Mikey and his grandpa. "I loved Emma" he said. He then bowed his head. "I'm very sorry I couldn't protect her."

Grandpa Sano leaned towards Draken. "I'd taken a liking towards her..." He closed his eyes and smiled. "I'm sure she's resting well." Draken now had tears in his eyes and you could hear him start to cry.

Draken's crying wasn't the only one heard, you could hear plenty of other people start to cry now.


Days passed and I stayed holed up at home. Losing Emma made me think about Baji and I just couldn't handle life at the moment. I just wished everything was a dream and that one day I would wake up from this dream like nightmare. "I don't know what to do anymore" I thought as I laid in my bed. "I haven't really heard from anyone but that wouldn't matter because I would probably just ignored their calls and texts anyways." I laid on my side and stared at my door. It was currently locked and I could hear Takimaru meowing outside. "I guess I should let him in." I got out of my bed and walked over to my door. I unlocked it and opened it only to see that Takimaru was meowing at Amaya.

"(Y/n), do you feel like talking?"

I took a deep breath and exhale. "Yeah." I let her into my room and we sat on my bed. "I know you're going to tell me I should definitely consider leaving Toman."

"I was, but that's not what I'm concerned about right now." She brought me into a hug. "I'm more concerned about how you're feeling."

"I'm okay I guess. I don't really have the motivation to go outside at the moment or talk to anyone besides you."

"I know."

The two of us sat there and talked. I told Amaya that I don't really want to leave Toman because all my friends are there. "I'm sure you guys will still be able to hangout regardless of you being in Toman or not" Amaya told me.

"I don't know about that. I have a feeling that things aren't going to be the same anymore."

"With an attitude like that, they will" she started. "You need to stay positive, (Y/n)."

"Kind of hard to stay positive when my friends keep dying" I thought. I let out a sigh. "Fine, I'll try to stay positive."

Amaya stood up and helped me up as well. "Good. Now lets go out, just the two of us."

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now