The Girl Joins Another Gang?! (Final Arc Part 1)

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"Hey, Takashi." I opened the door to his room and saw how dark it was. "Um, Takashi?"

Mitsuya turned around to look at me. He had some stubble on his face and he looked sleep depraved. "Oh, it's you, (Y/n)." He went back to working on the design in front of him. "Why are you here?"

"Well I haven't heard from you in awhile and I got worried." I looked around the room and saw how much more messier it's gotten since I was last here.

"Oh." He never looked up from his work.

I walked over to him and looked over his shoulder. "Since I'm here, would you like some help?"

"It's okay. I don't need anything."

"Not even help picking up the leftover instant ramen cups?"


"Oh, okay then." I took a take back and accidentally stepped on something. It made a crack sound and Mitsuya looked back at me.

"What did you break?"

"I don't know." I reached down to pick up the object I stepped on. "It was this ruler. I'm sorry."

"Could you just leave, (Y/n)?" I could hear him mumble something about not wanting me to break more of his stuff. "I don't even know why you came over in the first place..."

I could hear how annoyed he was by my presence and I felt bad. "Oh, okay." I made sure to not step on anything else. "I'm sorry for bothering you." I left his room and saw Luna and Mana.

"How is he, big Sis?" Luna asked me.

"He's...he's okay, I guess." I walked over to the door. "I'll come visit him and you guys again" that right there was a lie. I wouldn't be stopping over at Mitsuya's house for a long time after that.

A few weeks had passed and I never went over to check on Mitsuya. I didn't even bother to call to check on him either. I just didn't want to get in his way, that's all. "I am the idiot who broke his ruler" I mumbled. "He probably needed that ruler too." I let out a sigh and heard my phone ring. I reached over and picked it up, putting it to my ear. "Hello? Chifuyu?" I sat up and listened to him. "Sure since Amaya isn't here right now." I hanged the phone up and got ready to head outside. "Watch the place for me, Takimaru." He meowed at me as I left the apartment.

"Hey (Y/n)" Takemichi greeted.

"Hey." I slowly walked down the stairs and saw Takemichi and Chifuyu waiting for me. "What's up?"

Takemichi bowed and apologized. "I'm sorry, (Y/n)!"


"I know it's my fault but I'm going to change things!"

I looked at Chifuyu. "What's he on about?" I whispered.

"It's about the big fight and what happened" he whispered back at me.

"Oh." I looked back at Takemichi. "So, how do you plan on changing things?"

"I'm making a new team that can defeat the Kantou Manji gang" he started. "I would like for you to come fight with me, (Y/n)."

"Takemichi, do you know how upset my mother...I mean Amaya was when she heard I joined another gang right after Toman?" He shook his head no. "Pretty upset. She wouldn't let me hear the end of it for days."

"Oh, well if this is going to get you in trouble with your mother, then..."

"But she eventually got over it, just like she's going to when she finds out I joined your new gang."

"Huh?" He gave me a confused look.

"Look, I'm tried of all this and just want it to end already" I started. "It would be great if things were how they were three years ago, but I know that won't happen and I've accepted that."

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