The Girl and Tenjiku part 2

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The next day more members of Tenjiku showed up in areas where other Toman members were. They showed up where some of the first division were located and picked a fight with them. Those first division members were Akkun, Makoto, Yamagishi, and Takuya. Those four were beaten up pretty badly by those Tenjiku guys and were eventually saved by Takemichi, Chifuyu, and the twins.

The twins informed Takemichi and Chifuyu that the guy who was like the mini boss of those Tenjiku guys was a guy named Mochi. They also decided to go check out where Tenjiku's hideout was and fell for a trap. Waiting for them was a guy named Kakucho who used to be good friends with Takemichi back when they were younger.

After Kakucho's fight with Smiley, him and Takemichi had conversation about the past and how Takemichi used to be Kakucho's hero.

"I dedicate my life to him so in conclusion...we're enemies now" Kakucho started. He was referring to a guy named Izana Kurokawa. "That's why I'm asking you to save Izana Kurokawa."

"What do you mean by save Izana Kurokawa?"

"That bastard Kisaki is using him."


I was on my way back to my place, when I passed by a group of guys all wearing a Tenjiku uniforms. I thought it was strange that two of them had a black uniforms instead of the red ones, but thought nothing more about the matter. "I'm going to try not to get into a fight with them" I thought as I kept driving by them. "I would definitely lose that fight."

"Wasn't that a Toman member?" Mochi asked

"Yeah. It was that girl, right?" Rindou looked over at Ran. "What was her name? (M/n) or something?"

"I think her name is (Y/n)" Ran answered.

"Girl? I thought that (M/n) the Demon was a dude?" Mochi looked over at the Haitani brothers.

"I thought so too when I first saw her at the Toman vs Valhalla fight" Rindou admitted.

"Looks can be deceiving" Ran added.

"Should we track her down and kick her ass?" Mochi cracked his knuckles. "I want to know if she still holds up to that title or not."

"We'll leave her be for now" Ran told him.


Upon getting closer to my apartment, I noticed someone was trailing me. Not wanting to lead this person to my home, I drove towards a park that was somewhat nearby. "Who the hell is following me?" I thought as I stopped driving. I got off my bike and went inside the park in order to confront the person who was following me. "I'm pretty sure whoever it is will follow me into the park" I said to myself as I waited for them.

A few seconds later, two figures wearing Tenjiku's uniforms walked into the park. These figures looked awfully familiar to me and their presence put a scowl on my face. "First I drive past the group of Tenjiku guys and now here's two more."

"Long time no see, (Y/n) <3." Hanma smirked at me.

"What? Mikey kicking you out of Toman made you join another gang?" I mocked as I glared at them.

"We didn't join a gang. I created my own Toman." Kisaki decided to a take a step closer to me.

"Get any closer to me and I will not hesitate to kick both your asses" I warned him.

"I didn't come here to fight. I wanted to make a proposal to you."

"As if I would actually listen to you." I turned around and got ready to get back on my bike.

"So you plan on returning to a gang who're only pitying you?" I stopped and looked back at him. "You do realize those guys in Toman are only letting you stick around because they feel bad that you had to lie about you're gender in order to make friends."

I now found myself walking over to Kisaki and grabbing him by the front of his uniform. "Shut the hell up." I had a tight grip on his uniform. "You don't know anything about how they feel about me."

"You don't either, do you?"

"I do. I know they're my friends no matter what."

"Is that what you tell yourself to keep from thinking about it?" Kisaki stared at me with a calm demeanor. It was pissing me off and I raised my fist, getting ready to punch him. Before I could even get the chance to hit him, I felt Hanma place a hand on my shoulder. "Hands off, Hanma."

"I will, once you let him go" Hanma said.

I let out a sigh and let Kisaki go, pushing him back a bit. "Fine." I felt Hanma take his hand off my shoulder and I took a step to the side. "If you're trying to get me to join Tenjiku, then try again." I started to walk away. "I'm not stupid enough to listen to anything that comes out of your mouth." I got back on my bike and drove off.

Hanma shrugged his shoulders. "Oh well, looks like she isn't going to help us out."

"I figured she wouldn't be that easy to trick." Kisaki started to walk over to Hanma's bike. "That's okay. My goal is still within my reach regardless."


"Tokyo Manji gang emergency meeting, begin!" Draken exclaimed as all of Toman stood in their usual spots and put their attention on Mikey and Draken. "Yesterday, our members were raided all over Tokyo by Yokohama's Tenjiku." Some of the Toman guys were talking amongst themselves. "Tenjiku is a gang that was formed recently. We have no clue how the gang is." Draken looked around and landed his eyes on Takemichi. "We're looking for any information about them from you guys. Therefore first of all, report yours, 1st division!"

Chifuyu talked about the group that attacked the first division. The group/unit was known as the Mochizuki unit. Smiley added that the group was lead by Kanji Mochizuki and said he's unit was probably the strongest. Mitsuya disagreed with that by saying that Tenjiku has the Haitani brothers, who were part of a group of people know as S62.

"I had an encounter with a few Tenjiku members the day before yesterday" I commented. "It was just a group who wanted revenge from what happened a few years ago. But they weren't that much of problem."

Draken looked at Mikey and asked if this all aligned with the other members who got attacked. Those members were attacked by Madarame, the former leader of the 9th generation Black Dragons. He was apart of S62.

"I don't think I've heard of S62" I thought as I continued to listen to what Mikey had to say.

"Anyways, I don't give a shit if we're getting beaten up! We are going to attack Yokohama next!" Mikey exclaimed.

"I see!" Draken smirked.

"Toman will go to war with Tenjiku!" Mikey declared and we all cheered in agreement.

I was all in agreement about this fight but for some reason, I had a weird gut feeling about all of this. "Kisaki's involved with Tenjiku so who knows what will happen" I thought.

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