The "Boy" Goes To A Festival

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I just came back from an emergency meeting about what happened with Pah. Pah had just got arrested because he stabbed Osanai, the leader of Moebius, in the side with a pocket knife. Mikey thought they should have made Pah come with them but Draken thought that Pah turning himself in was the right thing to do. This cause the two to have a falling out and ended up dividing Toman in two. One side of Toman sided with Mikey while the other side had sided with Draken.

During that meeting Mikey tried to get me to side with him on the matter, but Draken told me I should be siding with him and not Mikey. They started fighting even more and I left the meeting. I didn't know what to do or who to side with. I mean Pah's my friend just like the right of Toman and I don't like the idea of him getting arrested. But I can see where Draken is coming from about this situation.

"Geez" I unlocked the front door to the apartment and walked in, closing and locking the door behind me. "Do I really need to side with either Mikey or Draken?" I walked over to the couch and laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling. I heard Takimaru meow and jump up on the couch. He landed right on my stomach and decided to loaf there.

"I wonder how Emma is holding up with this?" I asked out loud and pulled my phone out. I mean this is her brother and her crush we're talking about here. I'm sure she's very worried about all of this.

I opened my phone and scrolled through the contacts, landing on Emma's name. I pressed call and waited for her to pick up.


"Hey, Emma."

"Could I come over?"


Twenty minutes or so passed and I heard a knock on the door. I got up and walked over to answer it. "It should be Emma" I thought as I opened the door and was immediately hugged by the person who was at the door.

"I don't know what to do" she cried. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her.

"I'm sure this will resolve itself out eventually." I closed the door and guided her to my couch. Takimaru had sensed something was wrong with her and jumped into her lap, trying to comfort her.

"But (Y/n), this is the first time the two of them had a serious fight like this."

"I guess I wouldn't know much about something like this, since I never had friends before" I thought. I tried my best to come up with something to make her feel better.

In the end, we decided to have a sleepover and try to get Emma not to think too much about the whole Mikey and Draken situation.


August 3, 2005

The last couple of days were hectic. First Pah got arrested, then Mikey and Draken got into a fight, and then the two suddenly made up like they were never fighting in the first place. All of this was very stressful to me because I really thought that this was going to be the end of Toman. But luckily it wasn't and everything seems to have went back to normal.

Also during the last few days, I managed to get closer to Hina. It was all thanks to Emma because she introduced the two of us on the day that Mikey and Draken made up. The two of us were able to become friends in the matter of a day almost and even decided that we all should go to the festival together.

"Emma" I felt very flustered and looked down at the ground.

"(Y/n), you're so cute!" Hina exclaimed with a little clap.

"Hina's right, you look super cute!" Emma agreed.

I was currently wearing a (color of choice) yukata with (pattern of choice) on it. My hair was currently in an updo hairstyle thanks to Emma. She even put clip-ins that she just so happen to have that matched my hair texture.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now