The "boy" known as (M/n)

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 A crowd of students surrounded an area where a fight just took place. In the center of all the attention was a boy standing above the two larger boys that were laying on the ground, passed out. The boy started to laugh and looked around the crowd. "Come on! Isn't there anyone out there who can give me a real fight!"

The crowd began to whisper that the boy was a demon since this isn't the first time the boy has fought kids older than him. The way the boy reacted to all of this was another reason why they called him a demon. "A demon you say?" The boy glared at the other kids and they jumped back in fear. The boy then gave them a big smile. "I like that name, I might use it as a nickname." The boy reached down and wiped the blood he had on his hands onto one of the unconscious boy's uniform. He spat on the ground next to them and walked away. "Next time, don't pick on those who are weaker than you. If you do, I'll kill ya." He waved. "That goes for all of you as well."

"(Y/n)! Where have you been?!" Amaya, a young woman that lived next door to me ran over towards me. "It's late and a child like you shouldn't be out!" Amaya tried to place her hand on me and I swatted it away. "Good heavens child, you're filthy!"

"I'll wash it off later." I walked passed her and walked up the steps to my house. I grabbed the house key that was hiding in the potted plant and unlocked the door; walking inside and closing the door behind me.

Amaya came into the house after me. "You were out fighting again, weren't you?" I slowly being to take off my clothes. "A girl like you shouldn't be fighting older boys!"

"Why not?"

"It's not lady like!"

"I don't care, girls are too weak for me to fight and I don't won't to fight weak people. I want to protect them." Amaya came over to me and helped me take off the rest of my clothes. She grabbed my hand and lead me to the bathroom, running the water in the bathtub.

"I understand you want to protect those who can't protect themselves but you really need to stop this." I got into the tub and she began to bathe me. "What would your parents think if they saw you do this?"

"Who cares. It's not like they're around to give a damn" I cupped some of the water in the bathtub and splashed my face with it. "Their dead, so how can they care?"

"So you found out?"

"I'm not dumb. They ran off on me and ended up getting killed in the process" I lowered myself more into the tub. "Serves them right...bastards."

"A child who's only seven shouldn't be saying things like that." She pulled me up out of the water a bit and started washing my hair. "Such pretty (texture of hair), you need to take care of it more."


"You're all clean."

I got out of the tub and walked out of the bathroom, grabbing a towel on the way out. Amaya sighed to herself as she drained the tub. She was thinking of ways to get me to stop my behavior but knew nothing would stop me. I've been like this for years now even before my parents died.


The girl who gave herself the name (M/n) enjoyed fighting. She would take on anyone and wouldn't back down even if it seem like odds were against her. She saw nothing wrong with dressing as a boy and fighting, it was something that kept her busy. But the young woman who watched over her was concerned. She didn't want to force something on (Y/n) that she didn't like. She just wanted her to live a happy life but also wanted her to accept herself more. The young woman knew deep down that (Y/n) did love fighting but she also like cute things as well. She also knew the poor girl wanted friends but because of the reputation she placed upon herself, not that many kids would want to be friends with someone like her. They would be too scared of the "boy" known as the demon.

"Maybe one day someone out there can accept her just the way she is" Amaya thought to herself and went to check on me.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now