The "Boy's" First Female Friend

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Age fourteen...

"Listen up!" Draken yelled. Everyone present at the meeting turned their attention to him. "Today we are reintroducing the Captains and Vice Captains of all the divisions we have!"

"Why reintroduced them?" someone asked in the crowd.

"I guess for some of the new guys?" someone else responded.

They were whispering amongst themselves and Draken told them to shut up. "Captains! Vice captains! Introduce yourselves!"

All the Captains and their vice captains took a step forward. The first ones up was Baji and Chifuyu.

"Captain of the first division, Keisuke Baji!"

"Vice Captain of the first division, Chifuyu Matsuno!" The two of them stood to the side and let the second division introduce themselves.

"Captain of the second division, Takashi Mitsuya!"

"Vice captain of the second division, Hakkai Shiba!"

Just like Baji and Chifuyu, Mitsuya and Hakkai moved to the side, letting Pah and Peh introduce themselves. After them was the twins, Smiley and Angry. And after those two were Muto and Sanzu.

"Lastly, captain of the sixth division" I started and stood in front of the other captains, making sure to still be behind Mikey out of respect. "(M/n) (L/n)!"

"That concludes the captains and vice captains introductions!" Draken now stood in front of all us captains.

The meeting kind of ended right after that and everyone was still hanging out around the shrine for a bit. As for me, I was talking with some of the other members of Toman. They were asking me why didn't I have a vice captain like the other captains. I told them I didn't find anyone who fit the job.

"Was that an insult to the rest of us?" one of them ask.

"Did it sound like one?" I asked, titling my head. "If you think it was one, then I guess it was."

"You cocky little shit" another guy commented. The two guys got ready to fight me but were interrupted by Baji walking over to us. His presence sort of scared the guys off.

"Damn, I still didn't think you would become a captain" Baji said.

"Of course I would be one."

Mitsuya and Chifuyu joined us.

"(M/n)-chi, you know Amaya-san isn't going to be very happy about this" Mitsuya said.

"I know, but she'll get over it eventually" I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh yeah, that reminds me Takashi."


"Could you make my uniform jacket a bigger size?"

"You want me to make it bigger? Why?"

"Well" I started and looked down at my chest. I could clearly see that the sports bra I wore wasn't going to be able to help me much longer as my chest continues to grow. "My pecs are getting to big for my jacket."

"I see."

Just then Baji hit/punched my chest. He was listening about the whole pecs thing. "Still working out (M/n)-chi?" I winced from the impact of the punch and automatically punched him back. "Why'd you hit me back?"

"Eye for an eye Baji" I told him.

"Dude, (M/n)-chi! You have to let me workout with you!" Chifuyu said as he looked at my chest. There was a small part of me that wanted to cover my chest at that moment.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now