The "Boy's" Secret Revealed

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I held my left shoulder after I tied a piece of fabric that used to belong to my yukata around it the best I could. Some asshole brought a knife to this fight and cut my upper arm with it. It was more like a slash, cutting through my yukata and breaking the first few layers of skin. "That's a first" I winced and started to walked around. I spotted Mitsuya and walked over to him. "Yo, Mitsuya!" He looked up at me.

"You alright, (M/n)-chi?"

"Yeah, just the usual bruises here and there" I laughed as he narrowed his eyes at me. He looked at where I was holding my arm.

"You're arm, it's bleeding."

"I'll just put some alcohol on it when I get home." He glared at me now. "What?"

Baji, Smiley, and Muto joined us. Muto had lost his shirt somewhere during the fight and was helping Smiley walk. "Afraid I'm out of action guys" Smiley said.

"He hurt his leg I guess. Probably kicking somebody" Muto explained. The three boys looked in my direction. "Aren't you (M/n)'s twin sister?"

"Yeah" I lied.

"Why are you here?" Baji asked.

"I got caught up in the fight somehow."

"Isn't (M/n)-chi going to be mad that his sister got hurt in a fight?" Smiley asked as he looked at my upper arm.

"Speaking of him, where the hell was he?" Muto questioned as he looked around. There seemed to be no sign of (M/n) anywhere.

Mitsuya and I looked at each other. We both knew where (M/n) was.

"Knowing him, there's no way in hell he would miss out on a fight like this" Baji commented.

"Hey, you guys know where Mikey is?" Mitsuya asked, hoping this would get their minds off of (M/n) for awhile.

Baji pointed to his right. "Yeah, he's over there." We looked in that direction and saw Mikey and Hanma. Hanma was talking to Mikey until someone on a motorcycle came by to pick Hanma up. After that guy showed up, the sound of sirens could be heard. This cause both gang's members to get up and leave. Mikey watched Hanma leave and turned to look over in the direction where Mitsuya and I were. He walked over to us and told us what happened to Draken.

"No way" I gasped. Mikey stared at me and then looked at my arm.

Grabbing my hand, Mikey made me follow him to where his bike was. "We'll meet up with you guys at the hospital." Mikey got on his bike.


"Get on." I got on the back of his bike, sitting behind him. "Hold on." I listened to him and wrapped my arms around him. Mikey started up his bike and took off at top speed down the street and towards the hospital.

The two of us didn't say anything and it scared me for some reason. Questions about if Mikey knows my secret kept filling my mind to the point I didn't even hear that Mikey was trying to talk to me. "(Y/n)-chi!"

"Y...yeah Mikey?"

"Your arm, does it hurt?"

"A little." Mikey didn't say any more and just focused on driving.

Minutes later and we arrived at the hospital. Mikey went up to the front desk and asked where they took the guy who was recently stabbed. The lady told him where to go and he started to walk off. I got ready to follow him but was stopped by a nurse. "Miss, I need you to come with me." I was about to questioned her why, but remember that I had been cut earlier. I nodded my head and let the nurse guide me to a hospital room.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now