The Girl Joins Another Gang?! (Final Arc Part 3)

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"First and foremost, thank you very much for the newcomer award" Mitsuya started as some of the audience members were talking amongst themselves about Mitsuya's appearance. "Hmph, a few days ago a helpless junior of mine came to me and told he told me this 'I'm going to fight a former friend'." Mitsuya looked at Takemichi. "Takemitchy, do you mind me tagging along?"

"Eh?!" Takemichi just stared up at him.

"I'm rejecting this award."

"Ehhhhhh?!" Hakkai and Chifuyu said in unison.

"Has he lost his mind?" I asked as we heard one of the judges yell at him saying how dare he treat a prestigious award like that and that he was ruining his future.

Mitsuya didn't seemed bothered by this even as majority of the audience were booing him and throwing trash at the stage. "No matter how great the award is...If you abandon the friends who made you happiest for it, then that award is downright shitty!"

"Get out of here!" someone yelled.

"You don't make sense!" another person yelled.

"That was pretty badass" I said as I clapped for him. "Even though he probably ruin his chances in the fashion industry."

After the show ended, Takemichi, Hakkai, and Chifuyu went back to Draken's and Inupi's shop while I stayed behind. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us, (Y/n)?" Takemichi asked.

"I'm sure and besides, I need to talk to Takashi."

"Alright." He left and I waited for Mitsuya to leave the building.

"But Prez, are you really sure about this?" Yasuda asked again for the second time since Mitsuya walked off the stage.

"I'm sure and I told you to stop calling me that." Mitsuya spotted me by the entrance/exit of the building. "Yasuda-san, I'll talk to you later." He waved her bye and made his way over to me. "You know, I didn't really expect to see you here, (Y/n)."

I turned to my left and looked at him. "Yeah, but Takemichi said we should show up to support you."

"Well, thanks for the support." He gave me a smile. "Even though I ruin my chances for anyone to ever take my work serious again." He put one of his hands behind his head, scratching it.

I laughed a bit. "Haha, yeah."

It suddenly grew silent between the two of us. Neither one of us was trying to engage into another conversation, which was understandable. The small altercation we had awhile back was still on both our minds and we didn't know what the other was thinking after it happened.

"Takashi, I'm sorry" I finally said. "I know I already apologized when it happened but..."

Mitsuya shook his head. "I should be the one apologizing, (Y/n)." He got closer to me. "I was too caught up in designing those looks for this show and I kind of lost myself."

"What do you mean? You wanted to do this in order to fulfill the promise you made with Draken, right?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Then that means I'm the one in the wrong. I didn't know and I just went into your room, breaking shit that you might have needed." I felt him put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, (Y/n). I won the award, even though I rejected it at the end" he laughed a bit. "What matters now is that I'm going to help Takemitchy fight Mikey."

"If you say so."

"Speaking of Mikey, you were there that night when that fight happened, right?"


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