The Girl and Tenjiku part 1

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"I'm back..." I stood in front of one of two familiar gravestones. "Big bro Shinichiro." I stared at the gravestone. "It's kind of weird that the others don't even know I come to visit you every now and then."

I came to the cemetery to update both Big bro Shinichiro and Baji about things in my life and what everyone else is doing. Coming here gives me a piece of mind because I have the chance to get some more deep thoughts off my chest. "I still have thoughts that the guys are only friends with me because they feel bad for me." I let out a sigh. "I know that's not the case but I just can't help but think that sometimes." I looked up at the sky and took a deep breath.

I stayed at Shinichiro's gave for another minute or two and then moved on to Baji's. I wanted to tell Baji that Takimaru still misses him a lot. I also told him about the secret that him, Kazutora, and I kept about me being scared of bikes finally came out. "I know you wouldn't have told the others about that." I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh well. The secret's out but it's not like I'm still afraid. I just want to save gas money."

After my visit to the cemetery, I got a call from Emma wanting to meet up at a small diner to get some lunch with Hina. I agreed and went to go meet up with them.

"(Y/n)!" Emma exclaimed and ran over to me, giving me a big hug. I hugged her back and received a hug from Hina.

"So what's up with the meet up?" I asked as we headed inside the small establishment.

"I feel like we haven't gotten to spend much time together" Emma explained. The three of us sat down in a booth.

"We saw each other at the festival" I told her.

"That doesn't count."

"What do you mean it doesn't count?"

Emma and I continued to argue as Hina sat there and giggled. "Emma's right, (Y/n)" Hina agreed.

"Not you too, Hina." I let out a sigh. I was thinking of a way to get the conversation about me to change somehow. "So Hina, how's everything with Takemichi?" Emma was a little shocked I asked because it didn't seem like I was all that interested in dating whenever she would bring it up in the past.

"I think we got a lot closer after Christmas." Hina had a blush on her face. "He still cries a lot though." We all laughed about this. "What about you, Emma? Are things getting better with Draken?"

Emma let out a sigh. "He's still the same." She let out another sigh. "He's still all about Mikey and motorcycles." Emma's eyes then went straight to me. "It would be a lot better if someone was able to take Mikey off Draken's hands for a while."

"Why did you look at me when you said that?" I asked her. 

"Remember our sleepover we had a few months ago?"


"Do you remember when I said how awesome it would be if we were sisters?"

I suddenly realize what she was going on about. "Not interested" I put my hands/arms up and waved them, making an X. "I'm not interested in dating right now."

Emma had a pout on her face. "Is it because of Toman?"

"Sort of."

"Really? I'm dating Takemichi and he's a member of Toman" Hina said. "Also, wouldn't it be easier for you and Mikey-kun to date since you guys are both in Toman?"

"Yeah but like I said, I'm not really that interested in dating" I started. "But I might consider it sometime later in the near future, maybe when we're in high school."

"Fine. But I still want us to be sisters regardless." Emma finally decided to leave the subject alone for now.

"So does that mean I still have to marry Mikey?" I asked her. She didn't say anything and I took that as a yes. I let out another sigh. "I mean I do like him" I thought. "And I like Takashi too" I continued to think as I took a drink from the water I ordered earlier.

The three of us sat there and chatted for a long time. Something about talking to those two versus talking to the guys will always feel different. I'm pretty sure it's the fact I can talk about girl related things with Emma and Hina instead of Mikey and the others. I also don't get that feeling that Emma and Hina are only my friends because they feel bad for me. In fact, Emma was one of the few who were able to tell I was a girl right off the bat.

"I'm glad we got to hangout" I said to myself as I made a stop near a convince store. I got off my bike and headed into the store. "I wonder if they have those chips that Amaya and I like?" I thought as I browsed the isles.

While I was inside the store, a group of guys were walking outside. It was like they were looking for something or someone. "You sure that (M/n) dude lives around here?"

"Yeah. That new guy who joined told us."

"Dude? Isn't (M/n) a girl?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

"Who cares if he's a boy or a girl." One of the guys cracked his knuckles. "I just know I'm going to bash that little punk's head in."

I just stepped out of the store and was able to catch just the tail end of the conversation that was going on. "Who's head are you going to bash in?" I asked.

"Huh?" one of the guys turned around only to be kicked in the gut. He doubled over and I lifted up my foot, placing it on his head, and kicking forward. The guy fall on his ass and looked up at me. "What the hell?"

"I heard you guys were looking for someone named (M/n)?" I asked the group of guys. "Well, I'm here."

"So the rumor is true" a tall dude with a buzz-cut said. "You really are a girl."

Another one of the guys looked at the dude who was slowly getting back up. "And you got your ass kicked by a girl?" The whole group started to laugh, well besides the one who they were laughing at.

"Shut up!" The group stopped laughing. "It was a fluke just like it was back then."

"Back then?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "Am I suppose to know you?"

"You don't remember me?" I shook my head. "I'm the guy who you knocked out because of some dumb-ass teddy bear or some shit."

"Oh, that guy" I thought. "Nope, doesn't ring a bell." I sat the bag with the items I just brought up against the building. "I don't remember dudes who's asses I've kicked in the past." This set him off and he charged me. I dodged him and hit him in the side with my elbow. He winced a bit and swung at me, allowing me to grab his arm and twist it. I definitely planned on dislocating his shoulder at this point. "I'm sure his friends are going to join in anytime soon" I thought as I let go of the guys arm.

And sure enough, that guys friends joined in on the fight. 

These guys seemed a lot tougher than the moebius members and Valhalla members I fought. They were also tougher then the guys I fought in the past before I joined Toman.

"I don't think I've seen their uniform before" I thought as collected my bag since the guys I was fighting were now currently laying on the ground. I rubbed my arm since it got hit a couple of times during that fight. "It's a red jacket with a yin yang symbol." I got lowered to one of the bodies and examined the back of the jacket. "Tenjiku?" I stared at the uniform for a few more seconds and got up, walking over to where I parked my motorcycle. I got on and looked back at the group of guys I beat up. "I'm pretty sure that guy definitely wanted revenge, but I can't shake the feeling that something else went on behind the scenes."


Somewhere off in Yokohama, Hanma and Kisaki were having a conversation.

"You think that guy will be able to take care of (Y/n)?" Hanma asked.

"I doubt it, since her reputation as the demon is still going strong" Kisaki replied. "If he's able to take care of her, then that will be another problem dealt with."

"If she's still kicking, why not convince Izana to let her join Tenjiku?" Hanma looked over at Kisaki. "That would definitely fuck Mikey up since I think he has a thing for her."

"You realize she's not going to come willingly."

"I know." Hanma thought to himself and remembered what Kisaki told him about the reason why (Y/n) hid her gender. "Doesn't she still think Mikey and the others are only friends with her because they feel bad for her or something?"

"Most likely." Kisaki thought to himself and smirked. "I can probably use that to my advantage."

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