The Girl and Her New Life

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*Well, well, well. Guess who's back with another update for this book/story? Me that's who. Anyways sorry for not updating this book/story, I've been dealing with the internal conflict of wanting to fight certain characters in the manga *cough*Mikey*cough* and playing an unhealthy amount of Genshin Impact. I however, do have some prewritten chapters I've been working on and plan on trying to update just like I did when I first started this book/story.

I hope those who are still reading this book/story will enjoy it


The fear I felt from him was still present and I didn't move from my spot. I waited till I could no longer hear his footsteps when I fell to my knees, crying. I didn't know why I was crying, it wasn't like Mikey hit me or anything. He didn't even say anything harsh towards me either. So why was I crying?

"You okay, (Y/n)?" I felt Mitsuya touch my shoulder.

"Dumb-ass, I should be the one asking if you're okay." I wiped some of my tears from my eyes and stood up. I looked over at Peh and saw Draken helping him up. "What the hell was he thinking just now?"

"Who knows" Draken answered as he helped Peh walk over to us.

We all just stood there trying to figure out what the hell just happened and why. Did Mikey suddenly came to hate us all? Or was he doing this for our sake? The answer to these questions wouldn't be that clear to us until we faced Mikey again, but we didn't know when that time would came.

"You should probably head home now, (Y/n)" Mitsuya told me and I shook my head.

"I want to make sure you guys are okay."

"We should be fine, (M/n)-chi" Draken said. "You don't want to worry Amaya-san, do you?"

"You're right." I let out a sigh. "I'll check on you all the first thing in the morning." I told everyone bye and slowly made my way down the stairs. A small part of me was a little scared of running into Mikey down here. "Why on Earth would he do that?" I thought as I got closer to my bike only to see someone standing near it. I did a silent gasp when I saw it was Mikey who was standing there. "I shouldn't be scared of him" I told myself as I try to calm myself down.

Mikey heard me walk over to him and turned around. I made sure my guard was up just in case he tried anything. I then watched him fish around in his pants pocket and pulled something out, laying it down on the seat of my bike. He walked away soon after, still not saying a word to me.

I didn't say anything and just stared at the note he left behind. I slowly reached down to pick it up and saw that it told me to read it when I was by myself. I was honestly hesitant to open the note. "I guess I should open it." I opened it and read the contents of the note, which wasn't a lot. "I guess this really is goodbye." I folded the note back up and put it in the pocket of the pants I was wearing. The note told me all I needed to know and it made me a little sad. "Well at least I know how to deal with these feelings I had for him." I let out a laugh and could feel myself getting ready to cry.


Days, weeks, and months passed to the point two whole years passed. I never saw Mikey again that night and I did everything in my power to forget about him and move on with my life, which I did. I was attending a community college until I fully decided what sort of career path I wanted to take. Even though school kept me busy, I was still in contact with Draken and the others. They too went on with their lives and were doing things that they liked.

"I can't believe you're getting ready to move out on your own" Amaya said as I was rushing around the apartment. "You can still stay here though. I don't mind taking you back and forth to school."

"You do know we're just going to look around for apartments, right?"

"I know. But a mother still can't help but worry about their child getting ready to move out."

I let out a small sigh as I heard my phone ring. I walked over to the coffee table and looked at the caller ID. "I guess he's outside." I picked up the phone and said hello. "Okay, I'll be out in a minute." I said bye and hanged up the phone. "That was Takashi, Amaya." I grabbed my motorcycle keys since the spare apartment key was on them. "I'll be back later." I waved Amaya bye and gave Takimaru a kiss on the head, leaving the apartment.

"I thought you said you would be out in a minute?" Mitsuya joked as I walked over to him.

"Were you timing me or something?" I joked as well and got on the back of his bike.


Mitsuya drove the two of us towards the building where we would talk about what sort of apartment/room we wanted. And before you ask, yes and no. Mitsuya and I aren't a couple but we do end up doing everything together though especially after what happened two years ago. He was even the one who suggested we should get an apartment together in the first place. The reason for this, according to Mitsuya, was because we could get one that was closer to the college I was attending. Of course I believed that reason at first, but now I'm thinking there's more to this then meets the eye.

"It must be nice to be somewhat set for life" I said out of nowhere.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"I'm talking about Pah inheriting his father's business/company."

Mitsuya chuckled a bit. "You're still on about that?"

"Hell yeah I am!" Mitsuya just chuckled at me and kept driving.

We arrived at the building and made our way in. "Why do you two look like that?" I asked Pah and Peh as Mitsuya and I walked into the room. "You trying to be Yakuza or something?"

"We thought it would look good for our clients" Pah answered.

"Yeah. It'll definitely work in scaring them away." I sat in one of the chairs. Mitsuya sat next to me. "So what kind of listings do you have for us?"

"Here you go." Peh handed Mitsuya and I list of potential listings we might be interested in.

"Ooo, this was has a built in hot tub" I pointed out.

"(Y/n), remember we have a budget" Mitsuya reminded me.

"Yeah, yeah." I wasn't going to give up on the hot tub that easily.

Mitsuya and I kept looking through the listings as Pah and Peh got ready for the next person to come through the door. "Long time no see! Takemitchy!" Pah said as I turned around.

"He's back" I thought. I was referring to the 26 year old Takemichi that was able to time leap. "But why?" I continued to think as I gave him a smile. "Hey."

"Mitsuya-kun?! (Y/n)?!" Takemichi said with a smile on his face.

"Taka-chan is here too? What a coincidence!" Hakkai said.

"What's up, Takemitchy? Ya looking for a room too?" Peh asked.

The seven of us talked for a while until Hakkai, Takemichi, and Chifuyu left. Mitsuya kept looking for a place for us to rent out while I couldn't help but worry about Takemichi coming back to the past. "Something must have happened" I mumbled.

"You say something, (Y/n)?" Mitsuya asked.

"Yeah. I was just wondering if the place we rent will have a big ass bathtub" I lied.

"Still trying to get us to rent a room with a hot tub, huh?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Can't hurt to try."

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