The "Boy's" Hypothetical

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"Hey guys, I want to ask you all a question." I ran up to where all the captains and vice captains were. We just finished a meeting and some of the guys were still hanging around.

"What is it (M/n)-chi?" Mitsuya asked.

"Hypothetically speaking and I mean this is just a hypothetical" I started and took a deep breath. "How would you react if I told you guys I'm a girl?" They all stared at me. Some of them laughed, thinking I was joking. "This is a serious question assholes."

"I guess I would be like damn, there's a badass chick in our gang" Chifuyu answered. "It might take me awhile to get used to it at first though."

"Same" Baji agreed. "That might make me think about the times we fought each other and that time I punched you in the chest."

"So you would stop picking fights with me?" I asked.


"Good, if you ever got soft on me, I would kick your ass" I threatened. Baji laughed but I was serious. "Okay, who's next?" I looked over at the twins.

"I wouldn't care to be honest" Smiley replied. "You're still going to be known as the demon in fights regardless."

"I agree with my brother" Angry said. "But I still want you to be careful though." I turned my attention to Muto and Sanzu.

"You would have been lying to Mikey this whole time" Muto brought up while Sanzu agreed. "I don't know if I could forgive you right away." He gave me a serious stare. "Well, it would also depend on how Mikey responds."

"Understandable." I looked at Mitsuya. "Takashi?"

"I might be worried about you more" Mitsuya started.

"So you weren't worried about me before?" I asked.

"I was and I still will, but I know how strong you are" he continued. "But what I'm trying to say is that I might stick with you whenever we get into fights."


"I don't know, maybe it's because I don't like the idea of a girl getting beat up" he shrugged his shoulders as I stared at him.

"Hearing that makes me want to hug and punch him all at the same time" I thought.

I don't like the idea of someone getting in between me and a fight I'm in. I know how strong I am and I don't want the guys jumping in to protect me especially if they learn that I'm a girl. I'm okay with the thought of them helping me out every now and then though

"(M/n)-chi, you're hand is bleeding" someone pointed out as I looked at my hand. It was balled into a fist and my nails punctured the skin.

"Guess I was clenching my fist too hard thinking about that" I thought. I let out a sigh and looked at Draken, waiting for his answer.

"I would want to know how the hell none of us knew you were a girl, since we've known each other for a few years now" Draken said. Some of the guys agreed with Draken. "I mean we're always hanging out with each other so it wouldn't be that different if you were a girl."

Pah took his turn on how he would react. "I don't know" he paused to think for a split second. "I probably think the same as Baji and Chifuyu about a badass girl being apart of Toman."

"I really don't how I would react" Hakkai spoke. "I hope I don't avoid you like I do with other girls" he thought.

The only person who hasn't said anything was Mikey. He's answer worried me the most for some reason. He could literally end my friendship with him and the rest of Toman with a few simple words.

"What about you Mikey? How would you react?" Draken asked.

Mikey sat up since he was laying on his back and looked at me. "I agree with Kenny(Ken-chin) about it not being any different since we're always together" he started. "But I would be upset that you've been lying to us." His gaze became dark when he said that. I gulped. "I wouldn't be upset for long if you told me the reason you've been lying." He walked over to me and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "We'll still be friends no matter what (M/n)-chi." Mikey gave me a smile.

For the most part, they all seemed like they wouldn't care if I was a girl. That was something I wanted to hear but then again, I felt like they could be lying about this. This is just a what if scenario. How would they know for sure their opinion on me being a girl will remain the same when I actually tell them the truth?

I was now playing out how things would actually go in my head. Those thoughts made me scared and question if they said all of this just to be nice to me.

Do they actually mean this? Or will they just feel pity for me and see me as a whole new person?

Will they still see me as (M/n) their friend or will they see me as (Y/n), a girl who lied about her gender just so she could be friends with a group of guys?

"(M/n)-chi? (M/n)-chi!" I heard someone call my name and I snapped out of my train of thought. "You okay?"

"Yeah" I lied.

"You sure?" Draken asked as they all watched me stretch my arms above my head.


"If you say so."

"How's your hand?" Chifuyu asked.

"The bleeding stop" I told him. "See." I held my hand out for him to look at it.

"Dude, what were you thinking about to make yourself bleed like that?" Baji asked.

"Oh just how I wanted to beat the shit out of a couple of dudes who cat called Amaya today" I lied somewhat.

It was true that some guys earlier today cat called her while we were out shopping for groceries and I wanted to beat their asses, but it wasn't the reason for me to clinch my fist that hard.

"You wanna go right now?" Draken asked.

"You guys about to fight?" Smiley asked. "If so, I'm in."

"Same." All the other captains and vice captains looked at me and then at Mikey.

"I mean I can do it on my own" I told them.

"(M/n)-chi, it's too late to talk us out of this" Mikey said with a smile on his face.

"Haha, yeah, I know" I laughed.

Later that night, we found the dudes and one of them actually remembered me since I was wearing my boyish clothes. He called me a brat and a few other names before I punched him in the gut. He hunched over and I punched him in the face, repeatedly.

While I was dealing with him, the guys were handling the other guys that was with the douche-bag.

"I hope we can always enjoy moments like this, even after you find out I'm a girl one day" I thought to myself. 

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt