The "Boy" and a cat

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Years later I was now twelve and in middle school. I moved to a new city thanks to Amaya, the woman who's been my next door neighbor for years and the same woman who takes care of me. She eventually decided to adopt me as her child since the thought of me living on my own concerned her. Also not to mention what kind of trouble I would get into later on in my life.

"(Y/n)! Make sure you go to school this time!"

"Lay off! And I told you to call me (M/n)!" I yelled as I ran out of the apartment and down the stairs. "Yeah right, I'm not going to that boring place. Too many weaklings there" I thought as I walked down a sidewalk, making a left turn. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a group of guys holding sticks and trying to get something out of a tree.

"Here kitty, kitty!"

"Come down! We promise we won't hit you!" A few of the guys started laughing and shook the tree. The cat in the tree cried out and held on to the branch it was on. "Get down here fur-ball!"

"Hey guys!" I reached up and tapped one of them on his back. "Need help?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Oh me? I'm just a random bystander who's here to help."

"Oh yeah?" The leader of the small group of thugs pointed at the cat in the tree. "Go up there and get that cat for us, we want to play with it."

I saluted him. "Sure thing!" I put my school bag on the ground and stretched my legs. I then sprinted at the tree and jumped, grabbing a branch and pulling myself up. "Hey there little one" I held my hand out to the poor thing. "It's okay, I'm here to save you." The cat hissed at me at first but relaxed. It sensed I wasn't going to harm it and slowly walked towards me. I gently picked it up and put it in the top part of my shirt. "You should be able to rest in that spot for now." Finally those things would actually come in handy.

"Hey! What's the big idea!" I jumped down and stood in front of the group of guys. "Gives us the damn cat, punk!"

"Yeah! You said you were going to help us get it!"

"Oh! My bad, I wasn't talking to you guys about needing help" I told them as I cracked my neck.

"Yeah you did!"

I laughed. "Dumbasses! I was talking to the cat about needing help but I can help you guys as well" I cracked my fist. "To an early grave."

"What was that?" I ran up to the leader of the group and punched him in the stomach. He hunched over and I grabbed his head, kneeing him in the chin. He fell to the ground and I stomped on his head. His lackeys stood there for a moment, shocked at what just happened.

"Listen here dip-shits, if I ever and I mean ever catch you harming anyone or any animal who is clearly weaker than you, I'll make sure to personally send you to hell myself."

"W...we're not scared of you!"

"Yeah! We're stronger and older then you!"

"Oh yeah?" I smirked. "That just made things ten times better." I ran over to another guy and kicked him in the leg. That caused him to stumbled and I gave him a uppercut. I then ran over to another guy and he went to punch me. I dodged him and grabbed his arm. I flipped him to the ground and sat on his chest with my backing facing him. I picked up his leg and started to bending it towards me.

"Stop! Stop! You're going to break my leg!"

"Well wouldn't that be fair since someone injured the leg on the poor cat?" I heard a bone break.

"This guy is fucking crazy!"

"H...he's a demon! Ran!" The rest of the guys took off running, leaving the three injured guys behind.

"Whew." I stood up from the guy I was sitting on and kicked him in the side. "Are you alright?" I looked into my shirt and saw that the cat was staring at me. It let out a meow and started to purr. "Come on, let's go back to my place and get that leg of yours fixed." I grabbed my school bag and started to walk home.

Unbeknownst to me, someone had just seen everything.

"Again?" Amaya watched me walk into the apartment with something curled up in my arms. "What is that?"

"It's a cat I saved from a group of assholes."

"You brought a cat home?"

"Yeah? I can't trust anyone else to take care of him since it was probably someone's fault he got hurt in the first place." This put a smile on Amaya's face. "What are you smiling for?"

"It's nothing." She walked over and took the cat from me. "I'll take care of him while you get yourself cleaned up." I listened to her and changed my clothes. "Guess I'll have to make another excuse for her not showing up again." Amaya let out a sigh. "I'll just drop by the school later today so I can also pick up the assignments she's missing."


"This guy took on a couple of guys that were bigger than him" Pah started.

"Pah's right. The dude easily wiped out three of them within a minute" Mitsuya continued. The other four boys sat and listened to the story their friends were telling them. Well most of them were listening, some *cough* Mikey *cough* was too busy stuffing his face with another one of Draken's parfaits.

"Seriously? What gang is this guy with?" Baji asked. "I'm sure just one of us could easily take that guy down."

Kazutora looked at Pah and Mitsuya. "So why did you guys bring this up?" Kazutora asked.

"Oh, hmm, why did I want to tell you guys." Pah sat there thinking if there was another reason he wanted to share what he saw.

"The guy did all this for a cat" Mitsuya said.

"A cat?"

"Yeah, crazy right."

"What's this about a cat?" Mikey asked as he was finally listening to the conversation.

"Pah and Mitsuya say that this kid took on a couple of guys just to help a cat" Draken explained as he got up. He walked over to where Mikey was and reached down to grab his parfait. He noticed there was nothing left and glared at Mikey. "Damn it Mikey! You ate all my parfait again!"

"Heh heh, sorry Kenny(Ken-chin)."

"Sorry my ass!" Draken was getting ready to yell at Mikey some more but Mikey suddenly stood up.

"Oh, I just remember there used to be a guy who's around our age that went by the name the Demon." Mikey's childlike attitude changed to a more serious one. "He could be someone we need in Toman or our enemy in the future."

"If he's not in a gang, why not let him join ours?"

The question made the boys think. The thought of having a powerful ally was an interesting one but then again, this other boy could already be in another gang. If that was the case, they might want to go ahead and take care of him so they won't have any problems in the future.

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now