The "Boy" Goes To A Festival part 2

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 Reaching up with my hands, I undid the updo Emma put my hair in. I even took out the clip-ins and walked over to Emma. I handed her the clip-ins and apologized. "I'm sorry about the hair Emma, I'll let you redo it someday." I smiled at her and turned away.

"(Y/n), are you sure about this?" she whispered to me. She knew that what I was doing was going to risk my secret getting exposed.

I ruffled my hair a bit so I could get my normal day to day hair I use for when I'm (M/n). "Yeah." I rejoined Mitsuya and Takemichi. Mitsuya glanced over at me but I was too busy looking at the group of guys behind Draken to even notice. He let out a sigh and glared at Peh.

"So Peh, you traitor." Peh just stared at us. "What the hell are you doing teaming up with Moebius?!"

"Shut your mouth Mitsuya or I'll have them kill you too!"

"Really, Peh? You really thought this was the best thing to do?" I asked him as he stared at me. It seemed he didn't know who I was by the slight confused looked on his face.

"You shut up too! This has nothing to do with some random nobody" he glared at me and I glared back.

"Nobody?" I got ready to take a step forward but Mitsuya put his arm out in front of me, shaking his head. "Tch."

"Peh! You back stabbing coward!" Emma exclaimed. "You set up this whole sneak attack on Draken, but you needed all these guys to help you fight one person?"

"It's because Peh knew he would lose in a fight against Draken" I thought.

"And you call yourself a man" Emma continued.

Draken dropped the dude he was holding. "Man, I am so tried." Draken started to sway back and forth.

"Yeah, you don't look so good. Are you okay?" Takemichi asked him.

"Yeah, I'll be alright but I'm at my limit" Draken held his head. "Can you guys handle this for me, Mitsuya, (M/n)-chi." Draken sat on the ground as Mitsuya and I stood in front of him.

"Guess Draken knows now too" I thought, cracking my knuckles. "Maybe the hit on the head is what's causing him to think I'm (M/n)" I said under my breath.

"Wait, Draken just called (Y/n) (M/n)-chi" Takemichi thought. "Did he figure out that she was a girl?!" he continued to think as he looked at Draken then at me.

"You little shits think you really have a chance against all of us?" one of the Moebius guys asked.

"Plus one of them is a chick!" another Moebius guy added.

I just laughed at his comment as Mitsuya smirked. "Heh, you're all about to find out."

"Kill all four of them" Peh ordered the guys behind him.

In the distance, we could hear the faint sound of someone's motorcycle exhaust getting closer and closer. "I think company's coming" Draken said out of nowhere.

"I know that exhaust sound" Mitsuya said.

"That's Mikey all right" Draken continued.

The sound was even closer than before and we all looked in the direction of the sound. There in front of us on his bike was Mikey. Mikey turned off his bike's engine and got off, walking towards the large group. "I get it now, you had me called away for one reason" Mikey kept walking towards the group. "So you could ambush Kenny(Ken-chin). And then you were planning to pin the blame on me." Mikey stood in front of Peh. "In order to split Toman in half."

"I'm just doing this for Pah!" Peh yelled.

"You know this isn't how we do shit." Mikey narrowed his eyes at Peh. "Tell me, who tricked you into doing this, Peh?"

If I was A Boy - Tokyo Revengers x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now